North Carolina Acupuncture CEUs Option 1 – Buy 21 CAEs, Get 4 FREE

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Acupuncture CEUs

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Your course purchase includes:
An online ACE account to access your courses
Reading material per Course
1 Quiz per Course
1 Certificate of Completion per Course


Get 4 Acupuncture CEUs for FREE with the purchase of multiple credits & find Acupuncture Continuing Education Online that is hassle free & convenient.

Courses included are also NCCAOM approved.

Get 4 Free CAEs!

“10 Chinese Medicine Lessons” – Diet & Nutrition – 10 Acupuncture CEUs

In this acupuncture continuing education course we will explore Chinese Medicine diet and nutrition. The acupuncturist can expect to learn about the history of Chinese medicine nutrition, concepts of Chinese medicine nutrition including nature, flavor and temperature of foods. We will also examine the “Six Evils”, or pathogenic factors that give rise to disharmony and disease. Uncover the theories of using nutrition to heal common ailments, understand the prevalence of obesity and the importance of proper nutrition as preventative medicine. Lastly, we will delve into a series of basic recipes used in Chinese nutrition.


“12 Tips” – Acupuncture for Sports Injuries – 5 Acupuncture CEUs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, the acupuncture practitioner will explore the immense benefits and uses of moxibustion. Dive into the rich history of moxibustion, learn how the Classic texts viewed moxibustion, and uncover the TCM diagnoses that can benefit from this treatment. In addition, the practitioner will evaluate common disorders and how they can be treated with moxibustion, understand research studies and results, as well as cautions for treatment.


“#01 – 4 Lessons” – Benefits of Moxibustion – 4 Acupuncture CEUs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, learn about the importance of vitamins, and their role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Key topics to be discussed in this course include macronutrients, micronutrients, fat-soluble vitamins, water-soluble vitamins, vitamin toxicity, as well as disease and other complications due to vitamin deficiency. An important course for any acupuncture practitioner seeking to improve their understanding on vitamin and mineral intake, and its impact on human health.


3 Safety Lessons – Acupuncture for Pediatrics – 2 Acupuncture CEUs
NCCAOM Category Safety

Do you love helping children in your acupuncture practice? For a great price, this course offers safety tips, techniques, and lessons on how to help your pediatric patient get the most out of their acupuncture treatment. Safety tips for both the acupuncture for provider and the child receiving treatment will be gone over in detail and we also review interesting research on pediatric acupuncture and safety. A wonderful course for anyone who loves working in the pediatric setting.


3 Safety Lessons – Acupuncture Needling Part 1 – 2 Acupuncture CEUs
NCCAOM Category Safety

This safety course will discuss 3 key areas acupuncture and TCM providers must know to maintain safe acupuncture treatment protocol. We will cover needling guidelines and safety tips, which include understanding adverse events, contraindications to acupuncture treatment, and complications in association with acupuncture treatment.


“3 Safety Lessons” – Anatomy & Acupuncture – 2 Acupuncture CEUs
NCCAOM Category Safety

This course will focus on specific cases where injuries have occurred due to incorrect acupuncture needling, and we will identify regions of the body that are more at risk for these types of injuries. A review of anatomy, the central nervous system, and peripheral nervous system will be taught in connection with safety lessons based on previous case studies and reported incidents.
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