What is Labor Induction?
Labor induction is the stimulation of uterine contractions before labor begins on its own. There are a number of reasons why one would need to be induced. If a woman is two weeks past her due date, she will most likely need to be induced. Also, if a woman’s water has broken, but hasn’t started labor, it is up to the doctor and the patient to decide the next best step. After the water breaks certain cautions must be taken to prevent infection.
An infection in your uterus, having diabetes, and having high blood pressure are also reasons a woman would want to induce labor. The amniotic sac around the baby also has to have a certain amount of fluid for it to be safe for the baby. If the fluid levels are too low, it may be safer to induce labor instead of risking complications for the baby.
Women who do not need an induction for medical reasons, but for convenience, may request an elective induction. This can only happen once confirmed that you have made it to 39 weeks of pregnancy, for the safety of the baby. However, just because you request one, does not always mean that you will get it. If you live far from your hospital or you are known to have quick deliveries, this may be an appropriate option.
While sometimes inducing labor is necessary, it does come with risks. Such risks are:
Low heart rate
Bleeding after delivery
Uterine Rupture
Failed induction
Inducing Labor with Medications: The Benefits & Drawbacks
Most inductions are done with Pitocin. Pitocin is used through an IV to begin or jumpstart labor. Pitocin may work quickly or may take a little bit, all depending on how much the cervix is dilated and it can vary from person to person. Like any medication, Pitocin comes with possible side effects. Uterine rupture, which is a tear in the uterine wall, can occur if contractions are too intense. Retention of fluid is another possible side effect, but in a hospital setting it can be managed. The worst side effect that people complain of most is painful contractions. Without anesthesia, the pain of contractions is a lot to handle, especially with Pitocin.
Benefits of Pitocin:
Jumpstarts labor
Lessens risk of a c-section
Drawbacks of Pitocin:
Overstimulation of the uterus
Rupture of the uterus
Fetal distress
Drop in fetal heart rate
Fetal death
Other Medications Used to Induce Labor
Another medication that can be used to induce labor is Prepidil. Prepidil is used to relax the muscles of the cervix. It is given in the form of a gel and it is placed onto the woman\’s cervix. Just as with pitocin, you and the baby will both be monitored while using this medication. Side effects are chest pain, bleeding, intense pain between contractions, nausea and stomach pain, and slow heartbeats in the baby.
We mentioned Cervidil in the above stories regarding Pitocin. It is inserted, much like a tampon, to help soften the cervix. It has similar side effects to Pitocin and Prepidil, so the patient will be closely monitored to make sure it is not affecting the baby\’s heart beat.
Natural Ways to Induce Labor
There are so many natural ways that people say you can induce labor without medication. While it’s not 100% proven that any of these will work, it doesn’t hurt to try.
Sex: Having sex may be a good way to induce labor. Dr. Terry Harper tells her patients to try sex all the time. According to her, sex releases prostaglandins, which are hormone-like substances that are similar to medications that are used to induce labor. Also, semen contains prostaglandins which can stimulate the cervix and hopefully lead to contractions
Exercise: Walking can help the baby engage in the pelvis, as does an exercise ball.
Spicy Foods: While there is no evidence to support this, people believe that eating spicy foods will irritate your bowel, which will irritate the uterus.
Castor Oil: There has been a recent study supporting the use of castor oil, but most doctors still recommend that you don’t use it to induce labor. Castor oil aggravates your GI tract and can cause stronger contractions, which will be less oxygen to the baby.
Evening primrose oil: Again, there is no real proof that is can induce labor, evening primrose oil does have a substance that our bodies change into prostaglandins. This, in turn, softens your cervix to prepare it for labor.