Australia Acupuncture Continuing Education or CPD

Chinese Medicine Board of Australia (CMBA) Requirements:

australia acu CPD
According to the CMBA, all CPD which helps you maintain compliance, stay up to date, is relevant to your scope of practice, will meet the standard for CPD continuing education.
Renewal is November 30th of every year.
Required 20 Hours of CPD Per Year.
  • Must include 4 Hours of Professional Ethical / Regulatory Issues Examples include: ethical/lawful practice, professional boundaries, permitted advertising, infection prevention & control, privacy, confidentiality, etc.
  • Must include 5 Hours of CPD in an Interactive Setting Examples include: face to face (in-person) or online interactive courses
  • 2 Hours relating to scheduled herbs for practitioners holding a scheduled herbs endorsement.
  • Renewal is every calendar year.
  • Required 30 Hours of CPD Per Year.
  • All 30 CPD hours can be completed online
  • Acupuncturists may self-select CPD activities

Australia Acupuncture CPD Course Package – Buy 14 Hours, Get 1 FREE

Total $139.99 – Buy Now & Finish At Your Convenience

Courses Include:
“#1 Guide” – Acupuncture & Tennis Elbow (6 Credits)
“15 Acupuncture & TCM Tips” – Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue (4 Credits)
A Basic Ethics Guide in Professional Boundaries (2 Credits)
Acupuncture Ethics Part 1 (2 Credits)
Acupuncture for the Treatment of Anxiety (1 Credit)

Browse Individual Australia Acupuncture CPD Courses

Acupuncture for Dental Pain - 2 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

Acupuncture is gaining increased recognition as a complementary treatment for dental pain, anxiety, and stress. In this course we will explore the many ways in which acupuncture helps ease dental discomfort, and discover what acupuncture points are most effective.  


Pharmacology Specialties & Herb/Drug Interactions - 12 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

How does it work? Save time & finish your Acupuncture CEUs between patients, at home, or on the go. Read the material – Take the quiz. Your course purchase includes: An online ACE account to access your courses Reading material 1 Quiz 1 Certificate of Completion Pharmacology Specialties & Herb/Drug Interactions In ‘Pharmacology Specialties & Herb/Drug […]


Suicide Prevention & Risk Assessment - 3 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, the acupuncture practitioner will explore suicide prevention, awareness, and risk assessment. The goal of Suicide Prevention and Risk Assessment is to guide practitioners in understanding suicide risk factors, medications that may increase the risk of suicide, and identify behavioral patterns that may be warning signs. Understanding suicide and risk is now more critical than ever for healthcare providers in all fields, so we can serve all patients in the best way possible, and refer them to the help they need.


Acupuncture Business Success Part 2 - 5 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

How does it work? Save time & finish your Acupuncture CEUs between patients, at home, or on the go. Read the material – Take the quiz. Your course purchase includes: An online ACE account to access your courses Reading material 1 Quiz 1 Certificate of Completion  This course is a continuation of the first Acupuncture […]


"2 Ethical Lessons" - Understanding HIPAA & Insurance, 2 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

This course will cover ethical concepts pertaining to dealings with insurance companies and HIPAA laws & regulations, and how the two are connected. Topics include filling of ethical claims, insurance rules and guidelines, understanding HIPAA law, protection and confidentiality of Health care data, and other national regulations. Reasons behind the change from HIPAA 4010 to HIPAA 5010 will be discussed, including the difference between the new HIPAA and the old HIPAA rules.


2 Ethical Lessons - Sexual Boundaries, 2 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

This course will cover 2 key concepts in regards to the patient-provider relationships. First, providers will learn more about sexual boundaries, such as establishing appropriate vs. inappropriate communication/contact with patients and how patient culture and diversity tie into the matter. Secondly, providers will gain an understanding how to appropriately handle situations where boundaries (as the provider) are crossed by a patient.


A Balanced Diet: Understanding Nutrition Through Research 4 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

This course will cover research conducted on different areas of nutrition such as high fiber diets, disease prevention through nutrition, the best type of diet for weight loss, the effects of diet on neurocognitive function, the real effectiveness of oral supplements, and under what scenarios we receive the most benefit from them. Additionally, areas of nutrition research that highlight the benefits of exercise & diet on longevity and quality of life will be discussed.  


A Bacterial Infection & Safety

This course will discuss different types of bacterial infections, their mechanism of action when causing infection, how bacteria reproduces, how bacterial infections are treated, including effectiveness of various antibiotics. Antibiotic resistant bacteria will be explained with advice on how we can prevent this from developing when we are ill. Why are some bacteria good for us? What tests can be done to detect a bacterial infection? What safety measures can practitioners use to prevent bacterial infections?


A Basic Acupuncture Guide to Insomnia - 15 Acupuncture CEUs

Do you see a lot of patients in your practice seeking treatment for insomnia? For a great price, this course will discuss a variety of research studies done on acupuncture for insomnia, review acupuncture points for treatment, provide a comprehensive over view of the CAUSES of insomnia, and additional tips and techniques will be explained on getting a restful sleep. Education will be provided on the different prescription medications for insomnia and their potential side effects.  Some questions we will answer in this course: Are herbs combined with acupuncture more effective in treating insomnia than just herbs alone? Does aromatherapy...


Acupuncture Herbal Safety Basics Part 2 - 2 PDAs / CEUs

Do you love herbs and want to learn more about them? For a great price, Acupuncture Herbal Safety Part 2 (2 PDA Points in the NCCAOM Safety Category) goes into more depth on the potential adverse effects of Chinese Herbs, their healing indications, and the management & storage of these herbs. An excellent Safety class for any practitioner using and prescribing patients herbs in their day to day practice.


"2050" Future Sciatica Treatments (15 CEUs)

This course will discuss new methodologies of treatment for sciatica that are either in current practice or are being researched. We discuss cryotherapy, regenokine/orthokine, platelet rich plasma (PRP), stall bar stretching, stem cell therapies, and other advances in surgeries for disc problems. In addition, research will be discussed regarding how these treatment work, and the science behind them.


3 Safety Lessons - Acupuncture for Pediatrics (2 Safety CEUs)

Do you love helping children in your acupuncture practice? For a great price, this course offers safety tips, techniques, and lessons on how to help your pediatric patient get the most out of their acupuncture treatment. Safety tips for both the acupuncture for provider and the child receiving treatment will be gone over in detail and we also review interesting research on pediatric acupuncture and safety. A wonderful course for anyone who loves working in the pediatric setting.


"2050" Advanced Future Stem Cell Treatments (15 CEUs)

How would you like to learn about a hot new area of research, stem cell treatments? For a great price, this course dives into details of stem cell treatment and it's uses in cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, spinal cord injuries, and more. Current information on various research studies for stem cell treatments will be presented, as well as a breakdown and explanation of stem cells and how they work.  An excellent new area of medicine that everyone in the health care field should be aware of.


2 Ethical Billing & Coding Tips, 2 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

This course will cover a detailed explanation of insurance billing in the scope of patient security in the ever changing world of health care information technology, including key legal policies all providers need to be aware of. Laws and regulations guiding the medical industry will be discussed, including the HIPAA Act, False Claims Act, Stark Law, Anti-Kickback Law, and the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Ethical procedures in regards to electronic billing, software use in electronic billing, Optical Character Recognition (OCR), filing Manual Claims, CMS-1500 form, UB-04, and understanding the processes of medical clearinghouses will all be discussed.


Acupuncture Safety: Transmittable Diseases - 2 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

This class is worth 2 PDA points for the Safety Category. This course will discuss a variety of transmittable diseases, how they are spread, and prevention techniques to keep your practice clean and safe. Diseases that are discussed include HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis, Influenza, Malaria, Polio, Tuberculosis.


Acupuncture Ethics Part 1 - 2 CEUs/PDAs

Our most popular course in the topic of ethics in health care.  Acupuncturists get to review their knowledge on patient ethics, professional ethics, professional boundaries, HIPAA, and public ethics. Get this course for Free with purchase of the NCCAOM Full Recertification Package.


Acupuncture Herbal Safety Part 1 - 2 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

Do you love working with herbs and believe they can be a great addition to acupuncture treatments? For a great price, this class goes over herbal safety rules, regulations, prevention of medical errors, and important details providers must know before prescribing herbs to patients. Upon completion of the course, you will be able to identify safety recommendations for herbs that can be used to enhance your every day practice, as well as valuable tools/lessons that can be used to keep your patients and yourself safe.  


Acupuncture for Joint & Back Pain Part 1 - 15 PDAs/CAEs

Are you interested in expanding your knowledge on treating back pain? For a great price, this course will go over must know research on acupuncture joint and back pain, discuss popular acupuncture points and dietary recommendations, and tips to reduce inflammation. Get this course for a reduced price per credit with purchase of the NCCAOM Recertification Package. Click Here for Deal.


Acupuncture Infertility Basics Part 1 - 15 PDAs/CEUs

Do you need a great course to enhance your knowledge on infertility? We have you covered for a great price. In Acupuncture Infertility Basics, we explore in depth the risk factors of infertility, think about stress management plans for our patients, learn a little more about male infertility, and evaluate the important role nutrition plays for women and men looking to conceive. In addition, we provide a comprehensive guideline of acupuncture/acupressure points that can be used to enhance your practice. Fascinating research on acupuncture and infertility will also be discussed. An excellent class for all acupuncturists looking to increase their...


5 CEUs Acupuncture Business Success Part 1

The first Acupuncture Business Success course out of the three course series.  Explore the must-know basics to run an acupuncture practice.  What makes a successful practice? What do you achieve when you combine new technology, low overhead, numerous marketing options and excellent customer service? You get a successful acupuncture practice. This seminar is designed to: Reduce acupuncturist workload; Minimize overhead; Maximize marketing efforts; Improve doctor-patient relationships; and Business Investment. This course will ultimately teach you how to eliminate waste and maximize your investment.  ACE reports your CEUs/PDAs to the NCCAOM.  


The Science of Headaches 16 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this course, we will discuss different types of headaches and the science behind how they are caused. Different types of symptoms will be reviewed so that patients can be properly diagnosed and treated for the correct headache.


A Beneficial Guide to Weight Loss Medications & Surgeries - 5 Acupuncture CEU

This Acupuncture CEU/PDA course aims to educate the provider on solutions used in the world today to help aide weight loss, specifically through medications and surgeries. Achieving weight loss through these methods may be appropriate for some individuals, however education on the pros/cons of these treatment options is crucial. Acupuncture providers can expect to learn about different weight loss medications on the market place today, types of surgeries to help weight loss, including the risks and benefits of these options.


Discovering How Diet Impacts Human Behavior - 5 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

This online continuing education course will help the acupuncture provider understand current nutrition strategies to manage mood and behavior, along with a review of how and why foods impact behavior.


A Beneficial Guide to Gestational Diabetes - 5 Acupuncture CEUs

This online Acupuncture CEU/PDA course discusses key topics that acupuncture providers must know pertaining to gestational diabetes. Symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options currently available will be reviewed. Dietary changes that can be implemented are also analyzed, including a discussion on beneficial foods for this condition, and which foods to avoid. Acupuncturists will learn which factors make individuals more likely to get gestational diabetes and lifestyle changes that may help.


"5 Aging Lessons" - Understanding the Skin - 5 Acupuncture CEU

In this online course we discuss how and why the skin ages, along with the causes of skin aging. The purpose of this course is to educate the acupuncture provider on the structures that make up the skin, while reviewing preventative methods used to naturally minimize the aging process.


Muscle Tissue Injuries Part 1 - 15 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In Muscle Tissue Injuries Part 1, Acupuncture & oriental medicine providers can expect to learn about the epidemiology of muscle injuries. We discuss the risk factors for muscle tissue injuries, repair post injury, problems associated with repetitive movements, different classifications of muscle injuries, how these injuries are typically diagnosed and more. In addition, review the physiology behind the muscle tissue as well as its anatomy, and the mechanics of muscle contractions.


Understanding the Pelvic Girdle Part 1 - 12 Acupuncture CEUs

In this popular online Acupuncture CEU/PDA Course, the oriental medicine provider can expect to learn about the anatomy, physiology, and types of injuries that tend to occur in this very important region of the body. Key areas we review include the hip joint anatomy, articular cartilage, synovial fluid, muscles, movements of the hip joint, blood supply, nerve distribution, and more. Additionally, learn more about disorders of the hip and types of treatment options currently available.


"10 Tips" for Understanding Statin Medications - 18 Acupuncture CEU

Learn more on key topics that acupuncture providers must know pertaining to statin medications. We discuss the mechanism of action behind statin medications, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, why this medication type may be prescribed, and more. Adverse effects of statins are reviewed including a discussion on individuals who are more likely to experience unwanted side effects.


Muscle Tissue Injuries Part 2 - 15 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

A continuation of the Part 1 Muscle Injuries acupuncture CE course – enhance your knowledge in this subject area with a review of different myopathies and neuromuscular diseases.


Understanding the Rotator Cuff Part 1 - 15 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

This acupuncture CE course discusses the biomechanics and functions of the rotator cuff, and reviews different types of imaging technologies to view this region of the body. Rotator cuff injuries are also evaluated.


A Basic Ethics Guide in Billing: Laws, Regulations, & Fraud - 2 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

This course will provide a detailed discussion on ethics for insurance billing laws and regulations, patient ethics and how this connects HIPAA law for insurance billing, OIG compliance, health care fraud, as well as identify real life examples that you can learn from.


Understanding the Rotator Cuff Part 2 - 15 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

A continuation of the Part 1 course – learn more about this region of the body with a review of different treatment options for certain rotator cuff injuries.


A Basic Guide to Understanding Bell's Palsy - 3 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, the acupuncture provider will gain a deeper knowledge of this condition. Key topics to be discussed include the pathophysiology of Bell's Palsy, signs and symptoms, risk factors, diagnosis, treatment, and more. We additionally review beneficial activities and exercises that may help individuals with this condition.  


7 Cancer Causing Foods - 7 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

The purpose of this course is to identify different types of foods and methods of food preparation that have been shown to be cancer causing.


3 Safety Lessons - Acupuncture Needling Part 1, 2 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

This safety course will discuss 3 key areas acupuncture and TCM providers must know to maintain safe acupuncture treatment protocol. We will cover needling guidelines and safety tips, which include understanding adverse events, contraindications to acupuncture treatment, and complications in association with acupuncture treatment.


Understanding Diet & Chronic Disease - 8 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

Discover the connection that has evolved between the human diet and chronic diseases. In this course, the acupuncture provider can expect to enhance their knowledge on nutrigenomics, health benefits of certain food types, digestive health, prevention of certain diseases through nutrition, and foods that may be detrimental to human health.


"3 Safety Lessons" - Anatomy & Acupuncture, 2 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

This course will focus on specific cases where injuries have occurred due to incorrect acupuncture needling, and we will identify regions of the body that are more at risk for these types of injuries. A review of anatomy, the central nervous system, and peripheral nervous system will be taught in connection with safety lessons based on previous case studies and reported incidents.


Research on Weight Management - 9 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this course, the acupuncture provider can expect to learn more about the research behind weight management and weight loss. Key topics we review include aging & weight gain, causes of weight gain, stress, anxiety, diabetes, exercise, and weight loss maintenance. 


Understanding the Pelvic Girdle Part 2 - 15 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

A continuation of the Part 1 course – enhance your knowledge in this subject area with an in-depth discussion of injuries and fractures of the hip.


8 Things You Need to Know About CNS Tumors - 16 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

This course will cover information & research on Tumors of the CNS: Brain & Spinal Cord. Key topics to be discussed recent advances in medicine toward eliminating cancer, and understanding the various types of cancer that impact the brain and spinal cord. We go over in detail metastatic spinal disease , diagnostic tools, positron emission tomography (PET) scan, future genetic screening and treatment, hereditary diseases causing CNS tumors, types of Neurofibromatosis, von Hippel-Lindau disease, & common types of CNS tumors.


"10 Drugs" with Severe Side Effects - 20 Acupuncture PDAs

In this course, providers will review medications that should be taken with caution due to their extreme side effects. The lesson will cover what side effects to look out for and when a patient should contact their doctor immediately. Certain medications and lifestyle choices, such as smoking and drinking, may increase a patients risk for side effects of a medication. Symptoms of stopping medications will be discussed, as well as what to do when a dosage is missed.


Acupuncture for the Treatment of Anxiety - 1 Acupuncture CEU/PDA

In this acupuncture continuing education course, discover the benefits of treating anxiety with acupuncture.  Dive into the TCM patterns associated with anxiety,  acupuncture points to treat these patterns, and learn to identify the tongue and pulse patterns to look for. Lastly, improve your knowledge on herbal formulas for anxiety and uncover additional treatment tips in 'Acupuncture for the Treatment of Anxiety'.  


"#1 Guide" to Understanding Intermittent Fasting - 6 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

Intermittent fasting has become a recent trend among health and nutrition enthusiasts in recent years, which is why it is important for healthcare providers to be educated on this practice. In this acupuncture CEU course, the acupuncturist will learn what intermittent fasting is, along with the different types of intermittent fasting. We will also look at the pros and cons of each type fasting. 


"9 Tips" to Understanding PCOS - 9 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, discover and learn about Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) along with the causes, treatments, and outlook for individuals with PCOS.  The acupuncturist will also learn more about the signs and symptoms of condition, methods of testing, and more. 


A Basic Guide: Health Consequences of Alcohol Consumption - 6 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture CE course, learn about how alcohol effects different parts in the human body, such as the brain, liver, immune system, and pancreas. We will also discuss alcoholism, the connection between alcohol and cancer, benefits of reduced alcohol consumption, the impact of alcohol on adolescents, and more.


“#1 Guide” - Understanding Japanese Acupuncture - 3 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this course, the acupuncture provider can expect to learn about different techniques enlisted in the style of Japanese acupuncture, associated acupuncture points, clinical applications, and how this style of acupuncture can help patients. Different conditions will be discussed including what Japanese acupuncture techniques can be used to help the relieve the ailment. A useful course for practitioners seeking to enhance their knowledge in this modality of healing.  


3 Basic Lessons in Nutrition, 3 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

The purpose of this course is to breakdown the science behind nutrition into 3 specific topics: understanding the breakdown of protein, fat, and carbohydrates, ketogenesis, and intermittent fasting. The goal of this class is to help the student understand the functions and effects of food on the body. This course has a strong correlation with oriental medicine because the food we eat can make us better or worse, and proper nutrition can work to assist any complimentary acupuncture treatments.


"#1 Guide" to Understanding Epilepsy - 10 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

Epilepsy is a chronic disorder that is known as the fourth most common neurological disorder and affects people of all ages. The term epilepsy stands for 'seizure disorders', and the condition is typically characterized by the patient having unpredictable seizures and also leads to other health problems. In this acupuncture continuing education course, the acupuncture provider can expect to learn about the causes, symptoms, potential treatments and solutions that may help with this condition. 


Understanding Diabetes - 3 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

This course will discuss key topics surrounding the chronic disease of diabetes. The provider can expect to learn about type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes, symptoms, neurovascular complications, retinopathy, macular oedema, cataracts, treatment options, risk factors, and other long-term effects of this disease. Lastly, we highlight special herbs and plants that have been used and studied for improving blood sugar control. A great course for providers interested in learning more about diabetes.


A Basic Guide to Cannabis, It’s History, & Science - 4 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

Dive into the history and science behind cannabis throughout the world with this exciting course. The acupuncture provider can expect to learn about the rise of cannabis throughout history, it’s early uses, pros and cons, and current laws governing cannabis use. Acupuncturists are also able to explore more information on CBD, how it’s currently being used, and laws and regulations around this hot-topic. Additionally, providers will learn about the science of cannabis as it impacts certain brain structures, such as the hypothalamus, neocortex, and more.


“#1 Guide” to Understanding Lyme Disease 6 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

Develop your understanding of Lyme Disease in this fascinating new course. Acupuncture providers will learn about risk factors for tick-borne disease, disease epidemiology, the tick life cycle, disease burdens, Lyme disease stages, signs of Lyme disease, human immune response, Lyme carditis, and much more. Possible treatment options for Lyme disease and diagnostic tools used to identify Lyme disease are reviewed.


“#1 Guide” - Acupuncture for Bi Syndrome in the Meridians - 2 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

Herbal and acupuncture medicine can be very helpful in the treatment of articular and soft tissue rheumatological disorders. The treatment of pain in TCM is explained as "if there is free flow there is no pain."  Learn the TCM Patterns for Bi syndrome and how to differentiate them. Learn the acupuncture points, herbal formulas, and dietary suggestions for Bi Syndrome. We will also cover supplements and studies on Bi Syndrome. 


Acupuncture & Herbal Formulas for Insufficient Lactation - 2 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

This acupuncture continuing education course will cover acupuncture & herbal formulas that can treat insufficient lactation, as well as the background and etiology of what causes insufficient lactation. We will also review the Chinese medical patterns involved with this condition. The acupuncture provider can expect to learn about acupuncture points, herbal formulas that can treat insufficient lactation, TCM foods, and dietary changes that may help.


"#1 Guide" to Understanding Crohn's Disease - 4 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In the course "#1 Guide" to Understanding Crohn's Disease, the acupuncture provider can expect to discover the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for this disease.  In addition, we also review some complications associated with Crohn’s disease, the Crohn's Disease Activity Index (CDAI), how the disease presents itself in children, history of Crohn’s, and much more.  A vital course for acupuncturists who desire more knowledge on this inflammatory bowel disease.


Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine for the Treatment of Women's Menstrual Disharmonies - 2 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

Learn how Chinese medicine, Chinese herbal formulas, and acupuncture can help women’s menstrual issues such as dysmenorrhea and amenorrhea. In this acupuncture CEU/PDA course the acupuncturist will review how traditional Chinese medicine diagnoses and treats women’s menstrual disharmonies. The acupuncture provider can expect to learn about Dysmenorrhea, Amenorrhea, other common disharmonies, and Zang Fu Patterns for each disease. Acupuncture points and herbal formulas are also included for each disharmony. Finally, we review additional information for treatments, dietary suggestions, and case studies based on TCM.


TCM for Allergies and the Common Cold - 4 Acupuncture CEUs

In this course, we will cover how Traditional Chinese medicine treats Allergies and the Common Cold. The provider will be able to review TCM patterns for allergies and colds, and improve their understanding of acupuncture points and herbal formulas to treat these conditions. Other topics include TCM diagnostic methods, auricular acupuncture, dietary and lifestyle recommendations for the common cold and allergies, facial diagnosis, moxibustion, and more.


Human Trafficking Awareness - 1 Acupuncture CEU/PDA

In 'Human Trafficking Awareness' the acupuncture provider will be able understand the scope of human trafficking and the negative impact of this practice worldwide. We will review the difference between sex trafficking, labor trafficking, identify vulnerable populations, learn how to report cases of human trafficking, learn about resources available for victims, and much more. A very necessary acupuncture continuing education course for healthcare providers to understand how they can help prevent the spread of human trafficking.


20 Things to Know About Breast Cancer, 20 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

This course dives into many key topics involving breast cancer. The provider can expect to learn about how breast cancer begins, how it spreads, health screening, possible risk factors, environmental risk factors, genetic risk factors, male vs. female breast cancer, drugs to reduce the risk, possible treatment options, side effects of these options and much more.


“#1 Guide” - Understanding Congestive Heart Failure - 10 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture CE course we review key topics surrounding the condition of CHF such as causes, cardiomyopathy, symptoms, stages of CHF, possible treatments, the difference between CHF and heart attacks, and more. Additionally, learn about preventative measures and lifestyle changes that are applicable for this condition.


A Key Guide on Acupuncture Research - 7 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this course, the acupuncture provider will review the fascinating history of acupuncture treatments and, as well, dive head first into an array of research studies and reviews that have evaluated the effectiveness of this ancient form of healing. Topics and research that we evaluate include acupuncture for cancer, pain, pediatric conditions, depression, menstrual pain, migraine prophylaxis, perimenopausal insomnia, and much more.


All About Pharmacogenetics, 20 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this course, learn all about Pharmacogenetics, the study of the role of the genome in drug response. By combining pharmacy and genetics, this area of bio-medicine analyzes how the patient's genetic make up will affect his or her response to drug treatments. Topics to be discussed include predictions of drug interactions through pharmacogenetics, history, technological advances, ethics, drug metabolizing enzymes, "predictive prescription", controversy, drug-gene testing, current limitations, personalized medicine, and more.


4 CPR Tips - CPR for Acupuncturists - 4 Acupuncture CEUs

In this course the acupuncture provider will discover Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and learn the key steps to performing it. Important concepts discussed in this course include tips before starting CPR, how to activate the emergency response system, protection through good Samaritan laws, health conditions associated with CPR, what not to do when performing CPR, when to use an AED, and more.  CPR steps will be reviewed for adults, infants, and children.  Satisfies the NCCAOM Stand-Alone CPR Requirement *Please note:  At this time, NCCAOM Diplomates are required to report their own CPR course completion certificate.


“15 Acupuncture & TCM Tips” - Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue - 4 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, we explore acupuncture and TCM to treat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia. Learn more about TCM Diagnosis Methods for these syndromes, and review symptoms, acupuncture points, and herbal formulas. Discover extra acupuncture points for these conditions, dietary suggestions, and Qi Gong practices. Learn how to differentiate these conditions & how to better diagnose and treat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia in this exciting course.


“10 Lessons” - Antibiotics Pros & Cons - 10 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

Open your eyes to the discovery and history of antibiotics.  In this acupuncture continuing education course we uncover the significant public health issues and concerns that lead to the major breakthrough on antibiotic production and use. Learn what healthcare providers used to prevent infections prior to antibiotics, understand road blocks on the way to getting antibiotics more readily available, and explore what is happening within the space today.  While the benefits of antibiotics have been tremendous, they do not come without risk and danger in terms of public health.  To use antibiotics or not to.  Whatever we decide, we must...


Acupuncture for Trigger Point & Muscular Release - 2 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

Discover acupuncture as a way to release muscular pain and discomfort by way of Trigger Point Release. This acupuncture continuing education course will address the possible etiology of the pain by locating the muscle which is most likely responsible for the tension, and the location of the potential trigger points within the fibers. We will identify the additional symptoms caused by the active trigger point in question. This is a simple, practical guide and review of the muscle groups most commonly affected, the referred pain patterns and the location of the trigger points. This is good a starting point for...


"6 Acupuncture & TCM Tips" - Hair, Skin, Nails - 6 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, the acupuncture provider will learn about the symptoms, Chinese medical patterns, and the acupuncture points that help maintain the health of the hair, skin, and nails.  Other important topics discussed include TCM dietary advice for skin issues, Qigong for skin and lung health, Chinese medicine and scientific studies for hair loss, TCM for fungal infections, and so much more.


"12 Tips" Acupuncture for Sports Injuries - 5 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In "12 Tips" - Acupuncture for Sports Injuries, the acupuncture provider will develop a deeper understanding on acupuncture treatment methods, research, common pain complaints, and acupuncture channel theory, as they each relate to sports injuries. Treating sports injuries from an orthopedic focus will be discussed, as well as evidenced based approaches to acupuncture for sports injury. Uncover how the unity of Eastern and Western medical treatments can help yield the best possible outcomes for patient care in this fascinating course.


"3 Acupuncture Tips" - Treating Neck Pain - 10 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this course, dive deeper into your understanding of neck pain, successful treatment with acupuncture, and learn tips to help patients achieve successful treatment outcomes. Key topics include the review of complex structures in the head and neck, identification of trigger points vs taut tender points, home care instructions for patients to maximize treatment outcomes, popular acupuncture points for neck pain, alternative modalities that are helpful in the treatment of neck pain, and more. A crucial course for acupuncture practitioners who see many patients for the common complaint of neck pain.


“#1 Acupuncture Guide” - Alzheimer’s Disease, Dementia, & Memory Loss - 10 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

Get an in-depth insight of Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.  In this exciting new course, we uncover and study the common TCM diagnoses for Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia, and review how these diseases are commonly viewed and treated in Western Medicine.  Additionally, acupuncturists can expect to grow their knowledge on the TCM Acupuncture points, Patterns, and Herbal Treatments for Alzheimer’s and Dementia, memory loss, and discover foods that may help. Learn what studies have been done on how TCM treats these diseases as well as additional lifestyle changes to slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease,...


“4 Lessons” - Muscle Testing & Injury Assessment for Acupuncturists - 4 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In “4 Lessons” - Injury Assessment & Muscle Testing, we will address musculoskeletal injuries commonly seen in the acupuncture practice. The acupuncture practitioner can expect to learn about injury assessment and recognition by way of symptoms, differential diagnosis and location. A review of the structures, soft tissue, muscles, and joints involved with images will proceed each injury covered. Appropriate muscle Tests and ROM to confirm each pathology are listed and clearly explained step by step following the injury descriptions. The aim is to familiarize the practitioner with the injuries and their respective tests in order to understand and identify the...


“#1 Acupuncture & TCM Guide” - Irritable Bowel Syndrome - 5 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course we will explore the treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) with both acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. First, we will define IBS, presenting signs and symptoms, and treatment from a Western medical perspective. Then, get a glimpse of the demographics, prevalence and epidemiology related to IBS patients. The acupuncturist can expect to learn about pattern differentiation and treatment from a Chinese medical point of view as well as research regarding efficacy. The impact of IBS on the patient quality of life will also be discussed. This course will include appropriate evidence-based treatment practices for...


“#1 Class” - 40 Most Potent & Magical Herbs - 16 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

Explore 40 exciting and impactful herbs in this fascinating new course, and extract new knowledge on their powerful healing properties. The acupuncturist can expect to learn about the healing benefits of 40 potent and useful herbs. Key herbs to be discussed include Dong Quai, Echinacea, Wild Quinine, Yerba Mate, Aloe Vera, Goldenseal, and much more.


“#1 Guide” - Acupuncture & Tennis Elbow - 6 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, the acupuncturist can expect to gain knowledge of specific muscles injured in lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow) and how to locate these muscles for a more successful and effective treatment. Explore common points that are useful in treating this condition, and how these points were chosen using the channel theory method utilizing Yang Ming and Tai Yin channels and points. Discussion of complementary modalities are included, such as moxa, cupping, gua sha, and electrical stimulation, to further reinforce the acupuncture treatment and allow the patient to return to their daily activities. Additionally, we review common...


“10 Chinese Medicine Lessons” - Diet & Nutrition - 10 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course we will explore Chinese Medicine diet and nutrition. The acupuncturist can expect to learn about the history of Chinese medicine nutrition, concepts of Chinese medicine nutrition including nature, flavor and temperature of foods. We will also examine the “Six Evils”, or pathogenic factors that give rise to disharmony and disease. Uncover the theories of using nutrition to heal common ailments, understand the prevalence of obesity and the importance of proper nutrition as preventative medicine. Lastly, we will delve into a series of basic recipes used in Chinese nutrition.


“11 Acupuncture & TCM Lessons” - Kidney Stones, Bladder & Kidney Diseases - 11 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, we gain a deeper understanding on the workings of TCM and acupuncture for the treatment of Kidney Stones, and Kidney and Bladder Diseases. Discover the TCM views, patterns, Acupuncture points, and Herbal Formulas to treat this disease. This course will review the types of Lin Syndromes associated with Kidney stones, as well as TCM treatments, acupuncture points, and herbal formulas to treat Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs), Interstitial Cystitis (IC), Polyuria, Frequent Urination, and Overactive Bladder Patterns. Lastly, review studies done on TCM and these diseases as well as lifestyle and dietary recommendations.


“3 Concepts” - Acupuncture, TCM, & Autoimmune Diseases - 5 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, we explore the topic of autoimmune diseases by first uncovering three important concepts: the role of the immune system, types of autoimmune diseases, and treating these conditions with acupuncture and TCM. In this course are several explanations of different autoimmune diseases with signs and symptoms experienced by the patients with diagnosis, and treatment in Western and Chinese Medicines. Other important topics of key interest to acupuncturists include acupuncture points, Eight Principles, Ten Questions, Treatment principles, Extraordinary points, nutritional recommendations, and more.


Caring-for-Stroke: TCM-Western-Med Perspectives - 15 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

Enhance your understanding on the Western and Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective of strokes. The acupuncture provider can expect to learn about the causes, signs, symptoms, and different types of stroke. A detailed description of acupuncture points and other complementary modalities to prevent and treat the symptoms associated with a stroke are also included. Complimentary modalities include bloodletting, moxibustion, and electrical stimulation. An important course for acupuncture providers who care for and treat patients who have had a stroke.


“#1 - 10 Lessons” - Treating Menopause - 15 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this course we will explore the treatment of menopausal symptoms from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, and develop an understanding of other common treatments available today. The acupuncturist can expect to learn about the psychological and social impact of menopause, diagnosis of menopause, standard allopathic treatment, TCM treatment, beneficial acupuncture points for treating menopausal symptoms, and more. Additionally, learn more about evidenced-based lifestyle recommendations for patients with menopause.


“#1 Acupuncture & TCM Guide” - Thyroid Disorders - 15 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course we will cover the etiology of thyroid diseases, examine the TCM view of how the thyroid gland works, and the unveil the causes of thyroid disorders. The acupuncturist can expect to learn more about hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, goiter, Hashimoto’s Disease, Grave’s Disease as well as the Western medical views of these diseases. TCM pattern diagnoses for hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, and thyroid cancer are discussed, in addition to the positive effects of moxibustion, cupping, and more. Review important acupuncture points, TCM Chinese herbs, and discover noteworthy nutritional recommendations for thyroid disorders in this exciting course.


“#1 Safety Guide” - Viruses - 2 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, enhance your knowledge on viruses. The acupuncturist can expect to learn about the viruses we face today as a nation, virus mutation, best practices for virus protection, the world’s worst pandemics, vaccines, and more. A critical course for acupuncture providers considering the current times.


“#1 Acupuncture & TCM Class” - Headaches - 15 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, we will look at the different types of Headaches and their symptoms, and explore this condition from a TCM perspective. The acupuncturist can expect to develop an understanding of TCM Patterns, Treatment Principles, and Acupuncture Points, as they concern the treatment of headaches. In addition, the acupuncture practitioner will discover herbal formulas that may be helpful for patients seeking treatment for headaches. We will also identify the usefulness of moxibustion, cupping, and auricular acupuncture for headaches, as well as explore dietary and lifestyle recommendations that are healing for this condition.


“#1 Acupuncture & TCM Guide” - Weight Loss - 15 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, providers will be able to evaluate weight loss and metabolism from a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective. This class will cover the TCM Patterns related to metabolism, weight gain, and Cushing’s disease. The acupuncturist can expect to learn about single TCM herbs as well as herbal formulas for Weight Loss, acupuncture points used for weight loss, as well as lifestyle and dietary recommendations. Discover helpful tips to aide in your patients’ ability to maintain a balanced and healthy weight.


“#1 - 10” Acu & TCM Guide on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - 15 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, develop your understanding of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and examine the anatomy of the bones, muscles, nerves, veins, and arteries in this region. We will explore different treatment styles to help identify the correct diagnosis and treatment within the scope of Chinese Medicine. Pericardium channel obstruction, trigger points, and Liver disharmony will be discussed, as well as acupuncture points on the primary channels for carpal tunnel. Extra points that will help with the wrist, hand, and fingers will also be reviewed.


“#1 Guide” – Mastering Culture & Diversity 2 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs, Ethics

The purpose of this course is to educate the acupuncture provider on new research, information, and ways to appropriately address and interact with patients of diverse cultural backgrounds. We explore the recent research on cultural competency, patient-centered care, awareness, and how these factors tie into interactions with patients on a daily basis. Additional topics that will be discussed include counteracting prejudice & bias, inclusion, discrimination, oppression, gender equality, and how acupuncturists can become a more culturally aware health care provider.  2 Ethics CEUs/PDAs.


"*Stop Smoking!*" - Acupuncture & TCM for Smoking Cessation - 5 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, learn all about Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture for the treatment of smoking cessation. Develop your understanding on TCM Patterns, herbal formulas, essential acupuncture points, auricular acupuncture points, and so much more! The acupuncturist can also expect to learn about the research behind acupuncture for smoking cessation. A highly relevant and meaningful course for acupuncture practitioners who treat smoking addiction.


“#1 - 10 Lessons” - Acu and TCM for TMJD and Toothaches - 15 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, the provider will expand their knowledge on Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJD) and toothaches. We identify the common symptoms of TMJD & Toothache issues, how TMJD and Toothaches are understood in Western Medicine, as well as TCM patterns for TMJD/Toothache. Popular acupuncture and acupressure points that are useful in treating this condition, as well as herbs, will also be discussed. Uncover how to help your patients overcome TMJD and Toothache with Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine.


“*Acupuncture for Gout*” - What You Must Know - 6 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, learn more about Gout symptoms, treatment, herbal formulas, and acupuncture points. Key topics include beneficial Chinese Herbs for Gout, lifestyle suggestions, and TCM diagnosis patterns. The acupuncture provider can expect to learn about the understanding of Gout from a TCM perspective, different types of gout, the Western medicine perspective and much more.


“*Healing Plantar Fasciitis*” with Acupuncture & TCM - 11 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

Plantar Fasciitis is a condition that affects many people, and is becoming increasingly more common. In this acupuncture continuing education course, the acupuncture provider will learn about early intervention in the treatment of plantar fasciitis, important acupuncture points, pattern identification, the importance of proper footwear, useful herbal treatments, and much more. Anatomy of the bones, muscles, and fascia around this region of the body are also discussed. A critical course for acupuncturists who see patients for plantar fasciitis.


“*Help with Erectile Dysfunction*” - The Acupuncture & TCM Guide - 6 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, we discover the benefits of acupuncture and TCM for the treatment of Erectile Dysfunction (ED). The acupuncture practitioner can expect to understand Western medicine views of erectile dysfunction, as well as the TCM perspectives. This course will also examine research on erectile dysfunction, discuss helpful acupuncture points, review treatment patterns, moxibustion, acupressure, Qi Gong, and more. Lastly, the practitioner will develop their awareness of lifestyle recommendations that may help men with erectile dysfunction.


“#1” Guide on Vitamins - 4 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, learn about the importance of vitamins, and their role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Key topics to be discussed in this course include macronutrients, micronutrients, fat-soluble vitamins, water-soluble vitamins, vitamin toxicity, as well as disease and other complications due to vitamin deficiency. An important course for any acupuncture practitioner seeking to improve their understanding on vitamin and mineral intake, and its impact on human health.


“#1” Guide on Acupuncture & Inducing Labor - 6 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, the acupuncture practitioner can expect to learn about the benefits of using acupuncture and TCM to induce labor. Noteworthy topics that are discussed include understanding labor induction from a Western medicine perspective, TCM patterns for labor induction, acupuncture points used to induce labor, the benefits of pre-birth acupuncture treatments, dietary recommendations, herbs, and much more. Grow your knowledge on acupuncture for labor induction today with this informative course.


A Basic Ethics Guide in Professional Boundaries - 2 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

This course will shine light on the meaning behind professional boundaries and ethics when interacting with patients and staff. Due to the sometimes personal nature of the patient-provider relationship, this is a vital area of conversation so Acupuncture/TCM providers can respond appropriately to situations where professional boundaries may be crossed. Respect, communication, trust, and maintaining the highest level of professionalism with all patients and staff working within the practice will be considered in this course. Professional boundaries and social media, power differentials, professional integrity, sharing of personal information, and potential legal ramifications of unethical conduct with a patient are all...


"#1 - 10 Acupuncture Lessons" - Treating Tinnitus - 4 Acupuncture CEUs

Explore and understand Tinnitus as a health care concern in this acupuncture continuing education course. The acupuncture practitioner can expect to discover TCM patterns that are associated with Tinnitus, important acupuncture points, favorable herbal formulas, the Western medicine perspective of Tinnitus, and much more. What lifestyle recommendations may be advantageous for a patient with tinnitus? How might other complimentary healing methods, such as the use acupressure points, or Qi Gong, help patients with Tinnitus? How can acupuncture best support patients with this concern? Learn all this and more in this exciting new Acupuncture CEUs course on Tinnitus.


"#1 - 4 Lessons" - LGBTQ & Healthcare Awareness - 4 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

The LGBTQ community is an all-inclusive movement for the equal rights for every person regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. The history behind this struggle has been cultivated over several decades of harassment and discrimination to a time of acceptance, inclusivity, and knowledge about the issues. In this acupuncture continuing education course, the acupuncture practitioner will explore important concepts that are not mutually exclusive, including sexual orientation, sex, chromosomal variations, gender identity, diversity, and more.  Furthermore, the acupuncturist will understand how to be more culturally aware and competent  when providing care to individuals who identify with the LGBTQ community.


“#1 - 6 Lessons” - Healthcare & Piriformis Syndrome - 6 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, the practitioner will enhance their knowledge on the condition of piriformis syndrome from a Western medicine perspective. We review anatomy of the gluteal region, explore the common causes and risk factors for piriformis syndrome, pathophysiology, understand the statistics behind this condition, and much more. In addition, the acupuncturist can also expect to learn about home-care tips for patients, popular herbal supplements, and the benefits of alternative medicine in the management of piriformis syndrome.  


“#1 - 10 Lessons” - The Importance of Blood Tests - 10 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, learn about the importance and significance of blood tests, and how they are used within the healthcare field. The acupuncture practitioner can expect to discover the purpose of certain blood tests, such as the HbA1C test, factor I assays, CBC blood tests, the northern blot test, the Western blot test, protein electrophoresis, liver function tests and more.


"01 Acupuncture Guide" - Liver Disease - 5 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

Learn all about the Liver in this acupuncture CEU course. The acupuncture practitioner can expect to gain a deeper understanding of Liver disease in Western Medicine, understand Hepatitis and autoimmune conditions that impact the liver, and identify the most common causes of Liver disease. The acupuncturist will also be able to explore the various functions of the Liver from the Chinese Medicine perspective, discover treatment patterns, learn helpful acupuncture points, and much more.


“#1 - 10 Lessons” - Scoliosis & Western Medicine - 7 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture CEU course, the acupuncture practitioner will develop their understanding of scoliosis from a Western/Bio-medicine perspective. The practitioner can expect to review the regional anatomy of the spine, types of scoliosis, and explore the epidemiology and etiology of scoliosis. Examine the common Western medicine methods for managing scoliosis, neurological complications, grading of scoliosis, and more. Lastly, the practitioner will develop a better understanding on how various lifestyle habits can either aide or further irritate the condition of scoliosis.


“#01 Acupuncturist Guide” - The Opioid Epidemic: Past, Present, Future - 6 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, the provider will develop their understanding on the opioid epidemic and the current impact on the healthcare field. We identify what opioids are, how they work, their side effects, and current uses in medicine. The acupuncturist can expect to learn about the history of the opioid epidemic, how it was discovered, classifications of opiates, signs and symptoms of opioid overdose, and more.


“#01 Acupuncture Guide” - Hypertension - 4 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, we explore a common disease of the cardiovascular system, hypertension. Review your knowledge of the circulatory system, and learn about the Western Medicine diagnosis and treatment, compared to the Chinese Medicine perspective. Furthermore, the acupuncturist can expect to learn about other complimentary modalities such as bloodletting, nutrition, and auricular acupuncture.


“#01 - 6 Lessons” - Multiple Sclerosis - 6 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, we explore the pathophysiology of multiple sclerosis (MS), learn about predisposing factors, and the clinical management of this condition. With a focus on the biomedicine perspective, the acupuncturist can expect to learn about the complications associated with MS, classification of MS, how MS is diagnosed, and much more.


“#01 - 4 Lessons” - Cupping for Pain Management - 4 Acupuncture CEUs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, expand your knowledge on the immense benefits of cupping therapy for pain management, the history of cupping, TCM views of cupping therapy, and much more. In addition, the acupuncture practitioner can expect to learn about the types of pain that cupping can treat, research studies, and important pre-cautions for cupping treatment.


“#01 – 4 Lessons” – Benefits of Moxibustion – 4 Acupuncture CEUs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, the acupuncture practitioner will explore the immense benefits and uses of moxibustion. Dive into the rich history of moxibustion, learn how the Classic texts viewed moxibustion, and uncover the TCM diagnoses that can benefit from this treatment. In addition, the practitioner will evaluate common disorders and how they can be treated with moxibustion, understand research studies and results, as well as cautions for treatment.


“#1 - 8 Lessons” - Analyzing Neuropathy: Western & Eastern Tx - 8 Acupuncture CEUs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, the acupuncture practitioner will explore both eastern and western treatment approaches for neuropathy. Key topics to be discussed are the pathophysiology, signs and symptoms, autonomic vs sensory neuropathy, management, TCM views on treating neuropathy, TCM treatment principles, and much more. In addition, acupuncture practitioners will be able to learn about specific acupuncture points to treat neuropathy, and explore the current research behind this important topic.


“#1 - 8 Lessons” - Analyzing Patient History & Exam - 8 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture CEU course, the acupuncture practitioner will explore the Western medicine perspective of patient history taking and exams as they relate to the neurological and musculoskeletal systems. The practitioner will also learn about various neurological conditions, reflex tests, pain, range of motion, balance, coordination, how motor function is assessed, and much more.


“#1 - 2 Ethical Lessons” - Analyzing Informed Consent - 2 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this continuing education course, the acupuncture provider will evaluate the history of medical consent, learn about the requirements for informed consent, and its guiding principles. Additionally, the practitioner will enhance their understanding of written versus oral consent, negligence of informed consent, risks, refusal of consent, documentation, and much more. Ethical informed consent is a central component to providing great patient care in today's healthcare field.


A Basic Guide on Whiplash Injuries - 4 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture CEU course, the acupuncture practitioner will explore the Western medicine perspective of patient history taking and exams as they relate to the neurological and musculoskeletal systems. The practitioner will also learn about various neurological conditions, reflex tests, pain, range of motion, balance, coordination, how motor function is assessed, and much more.


"#01 - 7 Lessons" - Analyzing Spinal Stenosis - 7 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, the acupuncture practitioner can expect to learn about the condition of spinal stenosis. Key topics to be reviewed include etiology, pathophysiology, classification and grading of spinal stenosis, as well as its clinical presentation. The management of spinal stenosis will also be discussed, as well as common complications associated with this condition.


Analyzing PTSD - 6 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

Post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD, is a complex mental health disorder that affects a person’s daily life after a stressful or traumatic experience. In this acupuncture continuing education course, the practitioner can expect to learn about the Western and Chinese medicine perspectives of PTSD. Explore how Chinese medicine can be used to help with PTSD symptoms, and understand how they manifest in the body, by utilizing the five elements, the shu points, auricular acupuncture points, and ancillary techniques. Additional pertinent topics to be discussed include the endocrine system, limbic system, hormones, and much more.


Understanding Endocrine Disorders - 7 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, the practitioner will grow their understanding of diseases and disorders of the endocrine system. The symptoms and treatments of various endocrine disorders pertaining to the hypothalamus, adrenal gland, pancreas, parathyroid glands, pineal gland, and thyroid gland will be reviewed. Key areas of interest that are explored include hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus, hypopituitarism, and much more.


Ethics & Safety Combo Pack Option 1 - 4 Acupuncture CEUs

Ethics & Safety Acupuncture CEU Package You receive a total of 4 CEUs/PDAs


Ethics & Safety Combo Pack Option 2 - 4 Acupuncture CEUs

Ethics & Safety Acupuncture CEU Package You receive a total of 4 CEUs/PDAs


Ethics & Safety Combo Pack Option 3 - 4 Acupuncture CEUs

Ethics & Safety Acupuncture CEU Package You receive a total of 4 CEUs/PDAs


Ethics, Boundaries, & Communication - 2 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, the practitioner will explore the subject of ethics and learn more about the power imbalance, boundary violations vs boundary crossings, chaperones, verbal and non-verbal communication, the impact of social media and boundary violations and much more.


Analyzing and Managing Risk - 3 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

What is risk management? And, is it relevant to your acupuncture practice? The quick answer to the second question is a resounding “yes”. In this acupuncture continuing education course, we explore the meaning of risk management, and learn how it applies to acupuncturists. The acupuncture practitioner can expect to learn about patient confidentiality, risk, effective communication, providing safe office care, risk management strategies for the practice, and much more. Let today be the last day that this very crucial component of your practice goes unaddressed.


United Kingdom Acupuncture CPD Course Package - Buy 28 CPD Hours, Get 2 FREE

Special Package! Buy 28 CPD Credits, Get 2 CPD FREE You receive a discounted package of 30 Acupuncture CPD for $279.99!


Western & Eastern Medicine Treatments for Nausea & Vomiting - 5 Acupuncture CEUs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, the practitioner will explore the topic of nausea and vomiting, the conditions that initiate it, and how acupuncture can help. An array of health states and conditions, both non-serious and serious, can initiate these unpleasant sensations, so how do we help our patients who are dealing with nausea and vomiting? Upon completion of the course, the practitioner will understand the correlation between cancer treatment and nausea/vomiting, identify common antiemetic drugs, understand anticipatory nausea/vomiting, know beneficial acupuncture points, and much more.


Implicit Bias Training - 1 Acupuncture CEU/PDA

In this acupuncture continuing education course, the practitioner will discover implicit bias, the importance of addressing and understanding these automatic attitudes, and why they occur. Explore the reasons why unconscious attitudes are formed, learn about ageism, gender bias, race/ethnicity bias, LGBTQ bias, and much more. Lastly, the practitioner will be able to identify strategies to counteract implicit bias in their professional and personal life.


Sexual Harassment Prevention & Awareness - 1 Acupuncture CEU/PDA

In this acupuncture continuing education course, the practitioner will discover sexual harassment awareness and prevention.  Key topics to be discussed include the various forms of sexual harassment, legal consequences, the impact of sexual harassment violations, reporting methods, sexual harassment prevention, responding to and speaking out against sexual harassment violations, and much more.  As sexual harassment awareness continues to grow, and more individuals are speaking out about their experiences, understanding how to prevent sexual harassment is paramount.


Auricular Acupuncture Insights – 4 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

The ear. A small area of the body that has a massive impact on a plethora of health ailments when treatment is applied with acupuncture. In this exciting new course, learn about all of the benefits of auricular acupuncture, its history, the settings in which it’s used, ear mapping, and the health concerns that this treatment can assist with. Upon completion of the course, the practitioner will be able to identify important auricular acupuncture points for a variety of conditions, to ultimately improve their understanding of how this powerful treatment can help their patients.


HIV/AIDS - 3 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this continuing education course, the healthcare provider will evaluate their understanding of HIV/AIDS, opportunistic infections, and the public health impact of this on-going health concern.


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