Acupuncture CEUs
Find Acupuncture CEUs for your State

Welcome to Acupuncture Continuing Education or ACE
Acupuncture CEUs Requirements by board and state are listed below for your reference. NCCAOM PDA courses can be taken for most states such as Texas, Oregon, Washington and many others. For California or Florida, you will find your state requirements on this page. Feel free to click around and find out what acupuncture CEUs you need to be up to date. Also keep in mind, most states accept NCCAOM requirements for acupuncture continuing education & acupuncture license renewal.
NCCAOM Recertification Requirements:
Provider # 1208
NCCAOM courses can be taken for most states such as Texas, Washington, Oregon, Virginia, Maryland, Minnesota, Massachusetts, Colorado, Arizona, and many others. Please note specific state CEU requirement may differ in terms of the amount of credits needed and the length of the renewal period compared to NCCAOM requirements. NCCAOM Acupuncture Continuing Education courses may also be completed for the CTCMA of British Columbia (Canada).
60 PDA points or Acupuncture CEUs are required in a four year recertification cycle. Acupuncture CEU or PDA points may not be submitted twice during a recertification cycle nor may they be carried over from one cycle to another.
Core Competency PDA points are given for active learning that is conducted in a classroom or online in specific areas. All 60 points may be earned in the Core Competency section.
60 Acupuncture CEUs or PDA every 4 years:
26 PDA minimum up to 56 of AOM & Biomedicine.
2 PDA of Safety
2 PDA of Ethics
CPR Course in addition to the above 60 credits every 4 years.
California Acupuncture Recertification Requirements:
Provider # 1304
50 CEUs needed every 2 years before the last day of your birthday month.
25 Acupuncture CEUs may be completed through distance learning or online courses. Only 5 CEUs may be obtained in Category 2, which is defined below. The other half of Acupuncture CEUs (25), or all of them, may be obtained in person or through a live webinar.
To renew your California license, a fee of $325 must be submitted with the renewal notice every 2 years in order to maintain your license. Licensees practicing with a license that is expired are subject to disciplinary action and an extra fee.
Category 1 Courses: “Courses related to clinical matters or the actual provision of health care to patients.” Subjects include Acupuncture/TCM, western bio-medicine, nutrition, etc. Please view the California course criteria page for more information
Category 2 Courses: Non-patient related subjects such as business, law, practice management, etc.
Here is the break down of the 50 Credits:
25 credits Distance Learning (ex. Online Reading Material).
25 Credits Have to be Live (ex. Class face to face interaction, or Live Webinar).
5 credits out of the 50 could be business or practice management courses (Category 2).
Florida Acupuncture Recertification Requirements:
CE Provider # 50-19152
The Florida Board of Acupuncture mandates that acupuncturists complete 30 CEUs every two years, before February 28, 2022.
Here is the breakdown of the 30 Credits:
21 General Hours
5 Bio-Medicine
2 Medical Errors
2 Laws & Rules
According to the Florida Acupuncture Board: Each licensee or certificate holder shall complete a board-approved, 1 hour continuing education course on human trafficking. The course may be included in the total general hours required and must be completed by January 1, 2021. Required in accordance with Section 456.0341, Florida Statutes. Licensees renewing for the first time are REQUIRED to complete 2 Hours of Medical Errors and 3 Hours of HIV/AIDS.
ACE reports your credits to CE Broker on the same or next business day.
Find Florida acupuncture CEUs with ACE on a variety of topics to meet your Florida acupuncture renewal requirements. ACE provides you a simple and hassle-free process to complete your credit hours for Florida acupuncture license renewal.
Mutually approved NCCAOM & Florida Board Courses are labelled as such.
Texas Acupuncture Recertification Requirements:
CAE Provider # CAE00025
ACE is an “Approved Provider” with the Texas State Board of Acupuncture Examiners.
Acupuncturist Renewal Cycle:
December 1, 2020 – November 30, 2022
Texas Acupuncturist Requirements:
Acupuncturists are required to complete 34 hours of continuing education every 24 months.
The required CAE hours shall include the following core hours:
At least 8 hours shall be in general acupuncture therapies.
At least 2 of the required hours in ethics and safety.
At least 6 of the required hours shall be in herbology.
At least 4 hours of biomedicine.
No more than 4 hours that primarily relate to business practices or office administration.
Other Course Requirements:
No more than a total of 16 hours per year completed under NCCAOM or provided outside the United States
At least 18 hours each year must be approved for credit by the Education Committee of the board, offered by approved providers, or approved for CAE for 3 years by another state
The State of Texas accepts 16 CAEs of NCCAOM approved courses for acupuncture license renewal.
CTCMA of British Columbia Acupuncture Recertification Requirements:
The CTCMA of British Columbia mandates that acupuncturists complete 50 CE every two years. A minimum of 6 out of the 50 CE must be in-person hours, and 4 of the 50 hours must focus on ethical practice in TCM/A which can be met by activities under any category.
Here is the breakdown of the categories according to the CTCMA of British Columbia:
Category A: Live (i.e., real-time) in person or online interactive workshops, seminars, or training when attendance is taken and monitored; or electronically offered CE when attendance is taken and monitored and when there is an assessment tool for the course.
Category B: “self-study” such as review of professional publications, academic journals, bylaws and standards, and include online/distance learning courses and webinars when no attendance is taken and/or when no assessment tool is available.
Category C: “structured interactive activities” which can be regularly scheduled or routine consultations with peers or case conferences.
Category D: Includes utilizing the Practice Support Program (PSP) to assess practice and develop individualized continuing learning plan of activities that can enhance the registrant’s TCM/A practice.
All 50 hours may be completed in Category A provided that the above requirements have been met
Find CTCMA of British Columbia acupuncture CE with ACE on a variety of topics to meet your CTCMA acupuncture renewal requirements. ACE provides you a simple and hassle-free process to complete your credit hours for CTCMA acupuncture license renewal.
Chinese Medicine Board of Australia (CMBA) Requirements:
According to the CMBA, all CPD which helps you maintain compliance, stay up to date, is relevant to your scope of practice, will meet the standard for CPD continuing education. You can read the full extent of CPD guidelines here.
Renewal is November 30th of every year.
Required 20 Hours of CPD Per Year.
Must include 4 Hours of Professional Ethical / Regulatory Issues
Examples include: ethical/lawful practice, professional boundaries, permitted advertising, infection prevention & control, privacy, confidentiality, etc.
Must include 5 Hours of CPD in an Interactive Setting
Examples include: face to face (in-person) or online interactive courses
2 Hours relating to scheduled herbs for practitioners holding a scheduled herbs endorsement.
British Acupuncture Council (BAcC) Requirements:
While there is no implemented regulation at this time in the UK, it is strongly recommended in the United Kingdom that acupuncture practitioners become members of an accredited acupuncture organization such as the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC). They are the only organization in the UK that has accreditation from the Professional Standards Authority.
Renewal is every calendar year.
Required 30 Hours of CPD Per Year.
All 30 CPD hours can be completed online
Acupuncturists may self-select CPD activities