Alberta Acupuncture Continuing Education CCP

Alberta Acupuncture Continuing Education
alberta acu cont ed

The province of Alberta follows a Continuing Competence Program (CCP).

Acupuncturists can earn CCP credits by completing self-selected activities, and must relate to interpersonal skills, professionalism, practice management, acupuncture foundations, acupuncture diagnostics and treatment, acupuncture techniques, or safety. 

*Note: First Aid, CPR, and sexual assault awareness training are required, but cannot be used to fulfill CCP requirements.

CCP Credit Requirements:

-15 CCP Credits per year, CCP Cycle is 4/1-3/31

To read more details regarding the continuing competence program,
please visit The College of Acupuncturists of Alberta

Alberta ccp continuing education package

Alberta Acupuncture Continuing Education- Buy 14, Get 1 CCP Credit FREE

Special Package! $9.99 per CCP
Buy 14 CCP Credits, Get 1 CCP FREE
You receive 15 Acupuncture CCP Credits for $139.99!

You Receive the Following Courses:
Acupuncture for the Treatment of Anxiety – 1 CCP Credit FREE
“12 Tips” – Acupuncture for Sports Injuries – 5 CCP Credits

“#1 – 4 Lessons” – LGBTQ & Healthcare Awareness – 4 CCP Credits
“#1 Guide” – Understanding Japanese Acupuncture – 3 CCP Credits
“3 Safety Lessons” – Anatomy & Acupuncture – 2 CCP Credits

alberta acu cont ed

Find Individual Acupuncture CCP Courses for Alberta, Canada

"*Stop Smoking!*" - Acupuncture & TCM for Smoking Cessation - 5 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, learn all about Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture for the treatment of smoking cessation. Develop your understanding on TCM Patterns, herbal formulas, essential acupuncture...


"#01 - 7 Lessons" - Analyzing Spinal Stenosis - 7 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, the acupuncture practitioner can expect to learn about the condition of spinal stenosis. Key topics to be reviewed include etiology, pathophysiology, classification and grading...


"#1 - 10 Acupuncture Lessons" - Treating Tinnitus - 4 Acupuncture CEUs

Explore and understand Tinnitus as a health care concern in this acupuncture continuing education course. The acupuncture practitioner can expect to discover TCM patterns that are associated with Tinnitus, important...


"#1 - 4 Lessons" - LGBTQ & Healthcare Awareness - 4 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

The LGBTQ community is an all-inclusive movement for the equal rights for every person regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. The history behind this struggle has been cultivated over...


"#1 Guide" to Understanding Crohn's Disease - 4 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In the course "#1 Guide" to Understanding Crohn's Disease, the acupuncture provider can expect to discover the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for this disease.  In addition, we also review...


"#1 Guide" to Understanding Epilepsy - 10 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

Epilepsy is a chronic disorder that is known as the fourth most common neurological disorder and affects people of all ages. The term epilepsy stands for 'seizure disorders', and the...


"#1 Guide" to Understanding Intermittent Fasting - 6 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

Intermittent fasting has become a recent trend among health and nutrition enthusiasts in recent years, which is why it is important for healthcare providers to be educated on this practice....


"01 Acupuncture Guide" - Liver Disease - 5 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

Learn all about the Liver in this acupuncture CEU course. The acupuncture practitioner can expect to gain a deeper understanding of Liver disease in Western Medicine, understand Hepatitis and autoimmune...


"10 Drugs" with Severe Side Effects - 20 Acupuncture PDAs

In this course, providers will review medications that should be taken with caution due to their extreme side effects. The lesson will cover what side effects to look out for...


"10 Tips" for Understanding Statin Medications - 18 Acupuncture CEU

Learn more on key topics that acupuncture providers must know pertaining to statin medications. We discuss the mechanism of action behind statin medications, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, why this medication type may be...


"12 Tips" Acupuncture for Sports Injuries - 5 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In "12 Tips" - Acupuncture for Sports Injuries, the acupuncture provider will develop a deeper understanding on acupuncture treatment methods, research, common pain complaints, and acupuncture channel theory, as they...


"2 Ethical Lessons" - Understanding HIPAA & Insurance, 2 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

This course will cover ethical concepts pertaining to dealings with insurance companies and HIPAA laws & regulations, and how the two are connected. Topics include filling of ethical claims, insurance...


"2050" Advanced Future Stem Cell Treatments (15 CEUs)

How would you like to learn about a hot new area of research, stem cell treatments? For a great price, this course dives into details of stem cell treatment and...


"2050" Future Sciatica Treatments (15 CEUs)

This course will discuss new methodologies of treatment for sciatica that are either in current practice or are being researched. We discuss cryotherapy, regenokine/orthokine, platelet rich plasma (PRP), stall bar...


"3 Acupuncture Tips" - Treating Neck Pain - 10 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this course, dive deeper into your understanding of neck pain, successful treatment with acupuncture, and learn tips to help patients achieve successful treatment outcomes. Key topics include the review...


"3 Safety Lessons" - Anatomy & Acupuncture, 2 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

This course will focus on specific cases where injuries have occurred due to incorrect acupuncture needling, and we will identify regions of the body that are more at risk for...


"5 Aging Lessons" - Understanding the Skin - 5 Acupuncture CEU

In this online course we discuss how and why the skin ages, along with the causes of skin aging. The purpose of this course is to educate the acupuncture provider...


"6 Acupuncture & TCM Tips" - Hair, Skin, Nails - 6 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, the acupuncture provider will learn about the symptoms, Chinese medical patterns, and the acupuncture points that help maintain the health of the hair, skin,...


"9 Tips" to Understanding PCOS - 9 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, discover and learn about Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) along with the causes, treatments, and outlook for individuals with PCOS.  The acupuncturist will also learn...


“*Acupuncture for Gout*” - What You Must Know - 6 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, learn more about Gout symptoms, treatment, herbal formulas, and acupuncture points. Key topics include beneficial Chinese Herbs for Gout, lifestyle suggestions, and TCM diagnosis...


“*Healing Plantar Fasciitis*” with Acupuncture & TCM - 11 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

Plantar Fasciitis is a condition that affects many people, and is becoming increasingly more common. In this acupuncture continuing education course, the acupuncture provider will learn about early intervention in...


“*Help with Erectile Dysfunction*” - The Acupuncture & TCM Guide - 6 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, we discover the benefits of acupuncture and TCM for the treatment of Erectile Dysfunction (ED). The acupuncture practitioner can expect to understand Western medicine...


“#01 - 4 Lessons” - Cupping for Pain Management - 4 Acupuncture CEUs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, expand your knowledge on the immense benefits of cupping therapy for pain management, the history of cupping, TCM views of cupping therapy, and much...


“#01 - 6 Lessons” - Multiple Sclerosis - 6 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, we explore the pathophysiology of multiple sclerosis (MS), learn about predisposing factors, and the clinical management of this condition. With a focus on the...


“#01 – 4 Lessons” – Benefits of Moxibustion – 4 Acupuncture CEUs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, the acupuncture practitioner will explore the immense benefits and uses of moxibustion. Dive into the rich history of moxibustion, learn how the Classic texts...


“#01 Acupuncture Guide” - Hypertension - 4 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, we explore a common disease of the cardiovascular system, hypertension. Review your knowledge of the circulatory system, and learn about the Western Medicine diagnosis...


“#01 Acupuncturist Guide” - The Opioid Epidemic: Past, Present, Future - 6 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, the provider will develop their understanding on the opioid epidemic and the current impact on the healthcare field. We identify what opioids are, how...


“#1 - 10 Lessons” - Acu and TCM for TMJD and Toothaches - 15 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, the provider will expand their knowledge on Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJD) and toothaches. We identify the common symptoms of TMJD & Toothache issues, how...


“#1 - 10 Lessons” - Scoliosis & Western Medicine - 7 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture CEU course, the acupuncture practitioner will develop their understanding of scoliosis from a Western/Bio-medicine perspective. The practitioner can expect to review the regional anatomy of the spine,...


“#1 - 10 Lessons” - The Importance of Blood Tests - 10 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, learn about the importance and significance of blood tests, and how they are used within the healthcare field. The acupuncture practitioner can expect to...


“#1 - 10 Lessons” - Treating Menopause - 15 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this course we will explore the treatment of menopausal symptoms from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, and develop an understanding of other common treatments available today. The acupuncturist...


“#1 - 10” Acu & TCM Guide on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - 15 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, develop your understanding of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and examine the anatomy of the bones, muscles, nerves, veins, and arteries in this region. We will...


“#1 - 2 Ethical Lessons” - Analyzing Informed Consent - 2 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this continuing education course, the acupuncture provider will evaluate the history of medical consent, learn about the requirements for informed consent, and its guiding principles. Additionally, the practitioner will...


“#1 - 6 Lessons” - Healthcare & Piriformis Syndrome - 6 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, the practitioner will enhance their knowledge on the condition of piriformis syndrome from a Western medicine perspective. We review anatomy of the gluteal region,...


“#1 - 8 Lessons” - Analyzing Neuropathy: Western & Eastern Tx - 8 Acupuncture CEUs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, the acupuncture practitioner will explore both eastern and western treatment approaches for neuropathy. Key topics to be discussed are the pathophysiology, signs and symptoms,...


“#1 - 8 Lessons” - Analyzing Patient History & Exam - 8 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture CEU course, the acupuncture practitioner will explore the Western medicine perspective of patient history taking and exams as they relate to the neurological and musculoskeletal systems. The...


“#1 Acupuncture & TCM Class” - Headaches - 15 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, we will look at the different types of Headaches and their symptoms, and explore this condition from a TCM perspective. The acupuncturist can expect...


“#1 Acupuncture & TCM Guide” - Irritable Bowel Syndrome - 5 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course we will explore the treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) with both acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. First, we will define IBS, presenting signs...


“#1 Acupuncture & TCM Guide” - Thyroid Disorders - 15 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course we will cover the etiology of thyroid diseases, examine the TCM view of how the thyroid gland works, and the unveil the causes of...


“#1 Acupuncture & TCM Guide” - Weight Loss - 15 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, providers will be able to evaluate weight loss and metabolism from a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective. This class will cover the TCM Patterns related...


“#1 Acupuncture Guide” - Alzheimer’s Disease, Dementia, & Memory Loss - 10 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

Get an in-depth insight of Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.  In this exciting new course, we uncover and study the common TCM diagnoses for...


“#1 Class” - 40 Most Potent & Magical Herbs - 16 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

Explore 40 exciting and impactful herbs in this fascinating new course, and extract new knowledge on their powerful healing properties. The acupuncturist can expect to learn about the healing benefits...


“#1 Guide” - Acupuncture & Tennis Elbow - 6 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, the acupuncturist can expect to gain knowledge of specific muscles injured in lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow) and how to locate these muscles for a...


“#1 Guide” - Acupuncture for Bi Syndrome in the Meridians - 2 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

Herbal and acupuncture medicine can be very helpful in the treatment of articular and soft tissue rheumatological disorders. The treatment of pain in TCM is explained as "if there is...


“#1 Guide” - Understanding Congestive Heart Failure - 10 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture CE course we review key topics surrounding the condition of CHF such as causes, cardiomyopathy, symptoms, stages of CHF, possible treatments, the difference between CHF and heart...


“#1 Guide” - Understanding Japanese Acupuncture - 3 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this course, the acupuncture provider can expect to learn about different techniques enlisted in the style of Japanese acupuncture, associated acupuncture points, clinical applications, and how this style of...


“#1 Guide” – Mastering Culture & Diversity 2 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs, Ethics

The purpose of this course is to educate the acupuncture provider on new research, information, and ways to appropriately address and interact with patients of diverse cultural backgrounds. We explore...


“#1 Guide” to Understanding Lyme Disease 6 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

Develop your understanding of Lyme Disease in this fascinating new course. Acupuncture providers will learn about risk factors for tick-borne disease, disease epidemiology, the tick life cycle, disease burdens, Lyme...


“#1 Safety Guide” - Viruses - 2 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, enhance your knowledge on viruses. The acupuncturist can expect to learn about the viruses we face today as a nation, virus mutation, best practices...


“#1” Guide on Acupuncture & Inducing Labor - 6 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, the acupuncture practitioner can expect to learn about the benefits of using acupuncture and TCM to induce labor. Noteworthy topics that are discussed include...


“#1” Guide on Vitamins - 4 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, learn about the importance of vitamins, and their role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Key topics to be discussed in this course include macronutrients,...


“10 Chinese Medicine Lessons” - Diet & Nutrition - 10 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course we will explore Chinese Medicine diet and nutrition. The acupuncturist can expect to learn about the history of Chinese medicine nutrition, concepts of Chinese...


“10 Lessons” - Antibiotics Pros & Cons - 10 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

Open your eyes to the discovery and history of antibiotics.  In this acupuncture continuing education course we uncover the significant public health issues and concerns that lead to the major...


“11 Acupuncture & TCM Lessons” - Kidney Stones, Bladder & Kidney Diseases - 11 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, we gain a deeper understanding on the workings of TCM and acupuncture for the treatment of Kidney Stones, and Kidney and Bladder Diseases. Discover...


“15 Acupuncture & TCM Tips” - Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue - 4 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, we explore acupuncture and TCM to treat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia. Learn more about TCM Diagnosis Methods for these syndromes, and review symptoms,...


“3 Concepts” - Acupuncture, TCM, & Autoimmune Diseases - 5 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, we explore the topic of autoimmune diseases by first uncovering three important concepts: the role of the immune system, types of autoimmune diseases, and...


“4 Lessons” - Muscle Testing & Injury Assessment for Acupuncturists - 4 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In “4 Lessons” - Injury Assessment & Muscle Testing, we will address musculoskeletal injuries commonly seen in the acupuncture practice. The acupuncture practitioner can expect to learn about injury assessment...


16 CEUs All About Degenerative Disc Disease

In this course, we will define degenerative disc disease and it's causes. The lesson will review the anatomy of the spine, refresh on different tests that are performed to diagnosis...


2 Ethical Billing & Coding Tips, 2 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

This course will cover a detailed explanation of insurance billing in the scope of patient security in the ever changing world of health care information technology, including key legal policies...


2 Ethical Lessons - Sexual Boundaries, 2 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

This course will cover 2 key concepts in regards to the patient-provider relationships. First, providers will learn more about sexual boundaries, such as establishing appropriate vs. inappropriate communication/contact with patients...


20 Things to Know About Breast Cancer, 20 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

This course dives into many key topics involving breast cancer. The provider can expect to learn about how breast cancer begins, how it spreads, health screening, possible risk factors, environmental...


3 Basic Lessons in Nutrition, 3 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

The purpose of this course is to breakdown the science behind nutrition into 3 specific topics: understanding the breakdown of protein, fat, and carbohydrates, ketogenesis, and intermittent fasting. The goal...


3 Safety Lessons - Acupuncture for Pediatrics (2 Safety CEUs)

Do you love helping children in your acupuncture practice? For a great price, this course offers safety tips, techniques, and lessons on how to help your pediatric patient get the...


3 Safety Lessons - Acupuncture Needling Part 1, 2 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

This safety course will discuss 3 key areas acupuncture and TCM providers must know to maintain safe acupuncture treatment protocol. We will cover needling guidelines and safety tips, which include...


4 CPR Tips - CPR for Acupuncturists - 4 Acupuncture CEUs

In this course the acupuncture provider will discover Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and learn the key steps to performing it. Important concepts discussed in this course include tips before starting CPR,...


5 CEUs Acupuncture Business Success Part 1

The first Acupuncture Business Success course out of the three course series.  Explore the must-know basics to run an acupuncture practice.  What makes a successful practice? What do you achieve...


7 Cancer Causing Foods - 7 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

The purpose of this course is to identify different types of foods and methods of food preparation that have been shown to be cancer causing.


8 Things You Need to Know About CNS Tumors - 16 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

This course will cover information & research on Tumors of the CNS: Brain & Spinal Cord. Key topics to be discussed recent advances in medicine toward eliminating cancer, and understanding...


A Bacterial Infection & Safety

This course will discuss different types of bacterial infections, their mechanism of action when causing infection, how bacteria reproduces, how bacterial infections are treated, including effectiveness of various antibiotics. Antibiotic...


A Balanced Diet: Understanding Nutrition Through Research 4 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

This course will cover research conducted on different areas of nutrition such as high fiber diets, disease prevention through nutrition, the best type of diet for weight loss, the effects...


A Basic Acupuncture Guide to Insomnia - 15 Acupuncture CEUs

Do you see a lot of patients in your practice seeking treatment for insomnia? For a great price, this course will discuss a variety of research studies done on acupuncture...


A Basic Ethics Guide in Billing: Laws, Regulations, & Fraud - 2 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

This course will provide a detailed discussion on ethics for insurance billing laws and regulations, patient ethics and how this connects HIPAA law for insurance billing, OIG compliance, health care...


A Basic Ethics Guide in Professional Boundaries - 2 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

This course will shine light on the meaning behind professional boundaries and ethics when interacting with patients and staff. Due to the sometimes personal nature of the patient-provider relationship, this...


A Basic Guide on Whiplash Injuries - 4 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture CEU course, the acupuncture practitioner will explore the Western medicine perspective of patient history taking and exams as they relate to the neurological and musculoskeletal systems. The...


A Basic Guide to Cannabis, It’s History, & Science - 4 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

Dive into the history and science behind cannabis throughout the world with this exciting course. The acupuncture provider can expect to learn about the rise of cannabis throughout history, it’s...


A Basic Guide to Understanding Bell's Palsy - 3 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, the acupuncture provider will gain a deeper knowledge of this condition. Key topics to be discussed include the pathophysiology of Bell's Palsy, signs and...


A Basic Guide: Health Consequences of Alcohol Consumption - 6 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture CE course, learn about how alcohol effects different parts in the human body, such as the brain, liver, immune system, and pancreas. We will also discuss alcoholism,...


A Beneficial Guide to Gestational Diabetes - 5 Acupuncture CEUs

This online Acupuncture CEU/PDA course discusses key topics that acupuncture providers must know pertaining to gestational diabetes. Symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options currently available will be reviewed. Dietary changes that...


A Beneficial Guide to Weight Loss Medications & Surgeries - 5 Acupuncture CEU

This Acupuncture CEU/PDA course aims to educate the provider on solutions used in the world today to help aide weight loss, specifically through medications and surgeries. Achieving weight loss through...


A Key Guide on Acupuncture Research - 7 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this course, the acupuncture provider will review the fascinating history of acupuncture treatments and, as well, dive head first into an array of research studies and reviews that have...


Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine for the Treatment of Women's Menstrual Disharmonies - 2 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

Learn how Chinese medicine, Chinese herbal formulas, and acupuncture can help women’s menstrual issues such as dysmenorrhea and amenorrhea. In this acupuncture CEU/PDA course the acupuncturist will review how traditional...


Acupuncture & Herbal Formulas for Insufficient Lactation - 2 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

This acupuncture continuing education course will cover acupuncture & herbal formulas that can treat insufficient lactation, as well as the background and etiology of what causes insufficient lactation. We will...


Acupuncture Business Success Part 2 - 5 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

How does it work? Save time & finish your Acupuncture CEUs between patients, at home, or on the go. Read the material – Take the quiz. Your course purchase includes:...


Acupuncture Ethics Part 1 - 2 CEUs/PDAs

Our most popular course in the topic of ethics in health care.  Acupuncturists get to review their knowledge on patient ethics, professional ethics, professional boundaries, HIPAA, and public ethics. Get...


Acupuncture for Dental Pain - 2 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

Acupuncture is gaining increased recognition as a complementary treatment for dental pain, anxiety, and stress. In this course we will explore the many ways in which acupuncture helps ease dental...


Acupuncture for Joint & Back Pain Part 1 - 15 PDAs/CAEs

Are you interested in expanding your knowledge on treating back pain? For a great price, this course will go over must know research on acupuncture joint and back pain, discuss...


Acupuncture for the Treatment of Anxiety - 1 Acupuncture CEU/PDA

In this acupuncture continuing education course, discover the benefits of treating anxiety with acupuncture.  Dive into the TCM patterns associated with anxiety,  acupuncture points to treat these patterns, and learn...


Acupuncture for Trigger Point & Muscular Release - 2 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

Discover acupuncture as a way to release muscular pain and discomfort by way of Trigger Point Release. This acupuncture continuing education course will address the possible etiology of the pain...


Acupuncture Herbal Safety Basics Part 2 - 2 PDAs / CEUs

Do you love herbs and want to learn more about them? For a great price, Acupuncture Herbal Safety Part 2 (2 PDA Points in the NCCAOM Safety Category) goes into...


Acupuncture Herbal Safety Part 1 - 2 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

Do you love working with herbs and believe they can be a great addition to acupuncture treatments? For a great price, this class goes over herbal safety rules, regulations, prevention...


Acupuncture Infertility Basics Part 1 - 15 PDAs/CEUs

Do you need a great course to enhance your knowledge on infertility? We have you covered for a great price. In Acupuncture Infertility Basics, we explore in depth the risk...


Acupuncture Safety: Transmittable Diseases - 2 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

This class is worth 2 PDA points for the Safety Category. This course will discuss a variety of transmittable diseases, how they are spread, and prevention techniques to keep your...


Alberta Acupuncture Continuing Education- Buy 14, Get 1 CCP Credit FREE

Special Package! – Buy 14 CCP Credits, Get 1 CCP FREE Total $139.99 for 15 Acupuncture CCP Credits – $9.99 per CCP


All About Pharmacogenetics, 20 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this course, learn all about Pharmacogenetics, the study of the role of the genome in drug response. By combining pharmacy and genetics, this area of bio-medicine analyzes how the...


Analyzing and Managing Risk - 3 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

What is risk management? And, is it relevant to your acupuncture practice? The quick answer to the second question is a resounding “yes”. In this acupuncture continuing education course, we...


Analyzing PTSD - 6 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

Post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD, is a complex mental health disorder that affects a person’s daily life after a stressful or traumatic experience. In this acupuncture continuing education course, the practitioner...


Auricular Acupuncture Insights – 4 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

The ear. A small area of the body that has a massive impact on a plethora of health ailments when treatment is applied with acupuncture. In this exciting new course,...


Caring-for-Stroke: TCM-Western-Med Perspectives - 15 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

Enhance your understanding on the Western and Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective of strokes. The acupuncture provider can expect to learn about the causes, signs, symptoms, and different types of stroke....


Discovering How Diet Impacts Human Behavior - 5 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

This online continuing education course will help the acupuncture provider understand current nutrition strategies to manage mood and behavior, along with a review of how and why foods impact behavior.


Ethics & Safety Combo Pack Option 1 - 4 Acupuncture CEUs

Ethics & Safety Acupuncture CEU Package You receive a total of 4 CEUs/PDAs


Ethics & Safety Combo Pack Option 2 - 4 Acupuncture CEUs

Ethics & Safety Acupuncture CEU Package You receive a total of 4 CEUs/PDAs


Ethics & Safety Combo Pack Option 3 - 4 Acupuncture CEUs

Ethics & Safety Acupuncture CEU Package You receive a total of 4 CEUs/PDAs


Ethics, Boundaries, & Communication - 2 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, the practitioner will explore the subject of ethics and learn more about the power imbalance, boundary violations vs boundary crossings, chaperones, verbal and non-verbal...


HIV/AIDS - 3 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this continuing education course, the healthcare provider will evaluate their understanding of HIV/AIDS, opportunistic infections, and the public health impact of this on-going health concern.


Human Trafficking Awareness - 1 Acupuncture CEU/PDA

In 'Human Trafficking Awareness' the acupuncture provider will be able understand the scope of human trafficking and the negative impact of this practice worldwide. We will review the difference between...


Implicit Bias Training - 1 Acupuncture CEU/PDA

In this acupuncture continuing education course, the practitioner will discover implicit bias, the importance of addressing and understanding these automatic attitudes, and why they occur. Explore the reasons why unconscious...


Muscle Tissue Injuries Part 1 - 15 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In Muscle Tissue Injuries Part 1, Acupuncture & oriental medicine providers can expect to learn about the epidemiology of muscle injuries. We discuss the risk factors for muscle tissue injuries,...


Muscle Tissue Injuries Part 2 - 15 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

A continuation of the Part 1 Muscle Injuries acupuncture CE course – enhance your knowledge in this subject area with a review of different myopathies and neuromuscular diseases.


Pharmacology Specialties & Herb/Drug Interactions - 12 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

How does it work? Save time & finish your Acupuncture CEUs between patients, at home, or on the go. Read the material – Take the quiz. Your course purchase includes:...


Research on Weight Management - 9 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this course, the acupuncture provider can expect to learn more about the research behind weight management and weight loss. Key topics we review include aging & weight gain, causes of...


Sexual Harassment Prevention & Awareness - 1 Acupuncture CEU/PDA

In this acupuncture continuing education course, the practitioner will discover sexual harassment awareness and prevention.  Key topics to be discussed include the various forms of sexual harassment, legal consequences, the...


Suicide Prevention & Risk Assessment - 3 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, the acupuncture practitioner will explore suicide prevention, awareness, and risk assessment. The goal of Suicide Prevention and Risk Assessment is to guide practitioners in...


TCM for Allergies and the Common Cold - 4 Acupuncture CEUs

In this course, we will cover how Traditional Chinese medicine treats Allergies and the Common Cold. The provider will be able to review TCM patterns for allergies and colds, and...


The Science of Headaches 16 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this course, we will discuss different types of headaches and the science behind how they are caused. Different types of symptoms will be reviewed so that patients can be...


Understanding Diabetes - 3 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

This course will discuss key topics surrounding the chronic disease of diabetes. The provider can expect to learn about type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes, symptoms, neurovascular complications,...


Understanding Diet & Chronic Disease - 8 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

Discover the connection that has evolved between the human diet and chronic diseases. In this course, the acupuncture provider can expect to enhance their knowledge on nutrigenomics, health benefits of certain...


Understanding Endocrine Disorders - 7 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, the practitioner will grow their understanding of diseases and disorders of the endocrine system. The symptoms and treatments of various endocrine disorders pertaining to...


Understanding the Pelvic Girdle Part 1 - 12 Acupuncture CEUs

In this popular online Acupuncture CEU/PDA Course, the oriental medicine provider can expect to learn about the anatomy, physiology, and types of injuries that tend to occur in this very...


Understanding the Pelvic Girdle Part 2 - 15 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

A continuation of the Part 1 course – enhance your knowledge in this subject area with an in-depth discussion of injuries and fractures of the hip.


Understanding the Rotator Cuff Part 1 - 15 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

This acupuncture CE course discusses the biomechanics and functions of the rotator cuff, and reviews different types of imaging technologies to view this region of the body. Rotator cuff injuries...


Understanding the Rotator Cuff Part 2 - 15 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs

A continuation of the Part 1 course – learn more about this region of the body with a review of different treatment options for certain rotator cuff injuries.


Western & Eastern Medicine Treatments for Nausea & Vomiting - 5 Acupuncture CEUs

In this acupuncture continuing education course, the practitioner will explore the topic of nausea and vomiting, the conditions that initiate it, and how acupuncture can help. An array of health...


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