Delaware Acupuncture CEU/PDA Requirements

Delaware Acupuncture Continuing Education Requirements

Delaware Acupuncture Continuing Education CEUs
The State of Delaware accepts NCCAOM Certification for license renewal. Browse NCCAOM Approved PDAs or CEUs.
ACE courses may be used for your state acupuncture continuing education requirements.


Requirements: 1790 Acupuncture Advisory Council, 24 Del.C. Ch. 17, Subchapter 9

  • Complete (30) Professional Development Activity (PDA) points biennially. Licensees shall retain all certificates and other documented evidence of participation in an approved/accredited continuing education program for a period of at least (3) three years. Upon request, such documentation shall be made available to the Council for random audit and verification purposes.
  • Fifteen of the required 30 PDA points shall enhance core knowledge, skills and abilities and shall be in biomedicine and/or one of the five branches of Oriental medicine (e.g., acupuncture, Chinese herbs, Chinese dietary therapy, Qigong, Asian bodywork therapy).
  • 4 the 15 core PDA points shall be taken in safety and/or ethics (e.g., CPR, herbal safety, universal precautions, clean needle techniques, ethics and liability, public health reporting requirements).
  • The remaining 15 PDA points may be taken in electives that directly contribute to a licensee’s knowledge or practice of acupuncture (including Western science and medical practices, medical ethics, medical research, practice management, adjunctive therapies, patient education, and disaster relief training, etc.).
*PDAs shall be prorated for new licensees in accordance with the following schedule:
  • Two years remaining in the licensing cycle requires – 30 hours
  • One year remaining in the licensing cycle requires -15 hours
  • Less than one year remaining in the licensing cycle -exempt
CEU courses at ACE are approved for NCCAOM PDAs. You can find different categories such as: Bio-Medicine, Ethics, Safety, and Practice management courses. Required core NCCAOM PDAs are safety, ethics, and Bio-Medicine. These courses are accepted by the NCCAOM for your diplomate recertification.
The process of getting continuing education credits is simple, convenient, and easy: Download the course, finish the online quiz, and receive a certificate of completion immediately online. You can finish all your continuing education requirements on you desktop, mobile phone, or I-Pad. Reading material are printable. Courses are either in Written format or in a Live webinar. Visit our Acupuncture CEUs page to find out about any other state requirements.
 Our courses are NCCAOM approved For:
Diplomate of Acupuncture (Dipl. Ac.)
Diplomate in Oriental Medicine (Dipl. O.M.)
Diplomate in Chinese Herbology (Dipl. C.H.)
Your license number, name, and date will appear on your certificate automatically.
Updated 10/16/2024
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