Illinois Acupuncture CEU/PDA Requirements
Illinois Acupuncture Continuing Education Requirements

The state of Illinois accepts NCCAOM Approved Acupuncture PDAs/CEUs.
For reference, please see Illinois Administrative Code, Title 68: Professions & Occupations, Section 1140.90 Continuing Education, Section c (F).
The state of Illinois requires 30 Hours of continuing education (CE) relevant to the practice of acupuncture. A renewal period is 24 months preceding June 30 of each odd-numbered year.
A maximum of 23 hours of CE credit may be earned in a pre-renewal period for completion of self-study (including online, correspondence, audio or video) courses that are provided by a sponsor approved by the Division pursuant to subsection (c).Herb courses do not count towards the 30 hours.
*1 hour of Sexual Harassment Prevention for all renewals after January 1, 2020, and can be included in the number of CE hours already required for a licensed acupuncturist in the state of Illinois.
*1 hour of Implicit Bias Awareness Training for license or renewals occurring on or after January 1, 2023.
To browse NCCAOM approved courses, please visit the NCCAOM CEU Page.
1) Except for those activities listed in subsections (b)(3), (4), (5) and (6), all CE hours must be earned through sponsors approved under subsection (c) and must comply with program requirements set forth in subsection (c).
2) A maximum of 23 hours of CE credit may be earned in a pre-renewal period for completion of self-study (including online, correspondence, audio or video) courses that are provided by a sponsor approved by the Division pursuant to subsection (c). Each self-study course shall include an examination that the licensee must pass to obtain credit.
3) A maximum of 30 hours of CE credit may be earned in a pre-renewal period for successful completion of post-graduate courses related to the clinical aspects of acupuncture at a school of acupuncture accredited by ACAOM or a similar accrediting body approved by the Division. CE credit will be allotted at the rate of 15 CE hours for each semester hour or 10 CE hours for each quarter hour of school credit awarded.
4) A maximum of 15 hours of CE credit may be earned in a pre-renewal period for verified teaching of coursework that is part of the curriculum of an acupuncture program accredited by ACAOM or a similar accrediting body approved by the Division and/or as an instructor of CE programs provided by a sponsor approved by the Division pursuant to subsection (c). Credit will be applied at the rate of 1.5 hours for each hour of teaching or presenting the course or program material and only for the first presentation of the course or program (i.e., credit shall not be allowed for repetitious presentations of the same program).
5) A maximum of 5 hours of CE credit may be earned in a pre-renewal period for completion of coursework that is part of the curriculum of an accredited college or university and/or for completion of CE programs in Illinois approved by the Division but not approved under this Part. The course or program material must be relevant to the professional skills and scientific knowledge of the licensee in the practice of acupuncture.
6) A maximum of 5 hours of CE credit may be earned in a pre-renewal period for authoring papers published in refereed professional journals or books.
Certificates of CEU Completion
ACE will provide certificates of attendance. Keep your certificates for at least five years. On the State of Illinois acupuncture license renewal application, you will be asked to certify that you have complied with the CEU requirement, but you will only need to submit your documentation if you are requested to do so by the Department of Professional Regulation.
Continuing Education Earned in Another State
When CEU hours are earned in a different state other than Illinois from an unapproved sponsor, you are required to submit an out of state CEU approval form, with a $25.00 processing fee prior to attending the program or 90 days prior to the expiration of your license.If you did not submit the out of state CEU approval form within the time allowed, you can obtain late approval by submitting the approval form plus $25.00 processing fee plus $10.00 per hour late fee, not to exceed $150.00. The Board of Acupuncture reviews these forms and recommends approval or disapproval of the program.
CEU courses at ACE are approved for NCCAOM PDAs. You can find different categories such as: Bio-Medicine, Ethics, Safety, and Practice management courses. Required core NCCAOM PDAs are safety, ethics, and Bio-Medicine. These courses are accepted by the NCCAOM for your diplomate recertification.
The process of getting continuing education credits is simple, convenient, and easy: Download the course, finish the online quiz, and receive a certificate of completion immediately online. You can finish all your continuing education requirements on you desktop, mobile phone, or I-Pad. Reading material are printable. Courses are either in Written format or in a Live webinar. Visit our Acupuncture CEUs page to find out about any other state requirements.
Our courses are NCCAOM approved For:
Diplomate of Acupuncture (Dipl. Ac.)
Diplomate in Oriental Medicine (Dipl. O.M.)
Diplomate in Chinese Herbology (Dipl. C.H.)
Your license number, name, and date will appear on your certificate automatically.
Updated 10/17/24: You may visit the Illinois Association of Acupuncture & OM website all information.