Acus of the Month A Year in Review 2023

Lessons Learned from Interviewing Top Acupuncturists in 2023: A Year In Review

In 2023, ACE featured an all new set of acupuncturists to be Acupuncturist of the Month, and to share their experiences, expertise, and knowledge of practicing Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine. Sometimes, the best way to grow within a profession is to learn from your fellow colleagues, and hear how they help and achieve results for their patients. This year we interviewed some amazing acupuncturists, each of which was packed full of insight, skill, and accomplishments. As 2023 comes to an end, we are taking a look at the highlights of the 2023 “Acupuncturist of the Month” interviews to set ourselves up for exponential growth in learning from one another as professionals in the year ahead of us.

Dr. Jenna Valentine, DACM, L.Ac, Dipl.OM

Dr. Jenna Valentine is the owner and primary practitioner at Valentine Care in Austin, TX. She is a Doctor of Chinese medicine and licensed acupuncturist certified by the Texas Medical Board. Jenna uses a holistic, multi-modality approach when treating clients and offers acupuncture, cupping therapy, bodywork, Chinese herbs, and much more. In addition, Valentine Care has an intimacy coaching and somatic discovery component to ensure that clients are all living their best – and most integrated- lives. She is the creator of the Aggressive Self Care Card deck, is in the process of publishing her first book, and enjoys public speaking and storytelling. When not working with clients, Jenna can be found at the gym, hanging with her daughter, reading too many books at one time, laughing loudly at comedy shows, and eating way too much Mexican food.

Favorite quote by Dr. Jenna Valentine, DACM, L.Ac, Dipl.O.M.:

“Acupuncture is this powerful yet gentle medicine. It works WITH the body instead of against it. We tend to fight our bodies instead of learning more about them. Acupuncture seeks to bring the body back into harmony and balance by figuring out what has led to the imbalances and then shifting those.”

What advice would you give to other acupuncturists who want to implement a multitude of modalities within their practice in a seamless way as you have?

Call me and we can chat! Lol – honestly, though – I love talking with other acupuncturists about how I run my business. I’d say the most important quality is to stay curious. I love having a multitude of modalities so that I have the best shot of finding the exact tool in my large tool box for each individual client. I want this medicine to be individualized for each client and be able to see what modalities work best for each person. It also keeps me interested in learning everything that’s out there. Clients love that I’m always seeking and learning new modalities and trying things with them because they know I’m always out hunting for whatever is going to help them the most. Be curious. Don’t be afraid to try something new. Remember that laughter is medicine too, so if you mess up a new modality and laugh with your client about it – that is it’s own version of vibrational healing!

Get a copy of Dr. Jenna Valentine’s book here: Mantras of Bad B!tches

Arno Kroner, DAOM, L.Ac, MTOM, Dipl.OM

Dr Arno Kroner is a Board Certified California Licensed acupuncturist, herbalist and integrative medicine doctor who specializes in endurance sports medicine, trauma care, post op and injury recovery as well as pain management, sleep disorders, migraines and addiction treatment. Arno graduated Summa Cum Laude with a Doctorate & Master in Traditional Oriental Medicine from Emperor’s College in Santa Monica, CA. In addition to academic studies, he completed residency training at The Roy and Edna Disney Family Cancer Center in Burbank as well as at the Being Alive Community Clinic in West Hollywood, CA. Dr Kroner has his own private practice in Santa Monica, CA and also works at Reconnect Trauma Center. Finally, Dr Kroner is also a Medical Reviewer and a member of the Medical Advisory Board at Very Well Health and

Favorite quote by Arno Kroner, DAOM, L.Ac, MTOM, Dipl.O.M.:

“I can’t claim a success story on my own. When patients get better it’s usually the result of team work and that also includes patient work.”

What keeps an acupuncture practice going?

Results and referrals from satisfied customers.

Check out his practice site: Integrative Health & Wellness

Homa Sikon, L.Ac, Dipl. OM.!

Homa Sikon, L.Ac., Dipl. O.M. is a licensed practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine, treating patients around the globe since 2008. Her philosophy for treatment extends far beyond simple pain relief as she works to give her patients a balance of both body and mind. Graduating with Magna Cum Laude honors from Emperor’s College of Traditional Oriental Medicine in Santa Monica, Homa helps patients become their best, most energetic selves. Her background as a former engineer working on multibillion-dollar satellite systems gives Homa the problem-solving skills and attention to detail needed to treat patients with her personalized care plan. She treats patients with various disorders, from the common cold to adrenal fatigue. In addition, she provides patients of all ages with successful and practical recommendations for exercise, nutrition, and general lifestyle practices. When she is not treating patients, you can find Homa reading professional journals or taking continuing education classes. She also enjoys cooking, hiking, kayaking, and traveling with her husband.

Favorite quote by Homa Sikon, L.Ac, Dipl.O.M.:

Providing hope and helping people reconnect with their bodies and teaching them to trust their own healing ability are profoundly fulfilling and inspiring for me.

On your journey to become an acupuncturist, what obstacles did you face and how did you overcome them?

The biggest obstacle has been mainstream knowledge and recognition of how much value we add to our communities. I feel it is extremely important for all of us to keep educating the public on TCM ‘s benefits as well as the credibility of our profession. I have attempted to do so in “Super Bowl Fit”.

Get a copy of Homa Sikon’s book here: Super Bowl Fit: Mainstreaming Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture

Heather Noonan-Spillane, L.Ac., M.S.

Heather started her Acupuncture or really her Traditional Chinese Medicine Journey in the 90’s with taking Tai Qi and reading Tao of Pooh. She really felt a shift in her life for doing Tai Qi and meditation. This increased her interest in whole body healing at the time she was working in Psychiatric hospitals, and studying to get my Ph.D. in Psychology. She found after continuously intergrading Tai Qi and Tao meditation into her life her heart was really in drawn to Traditional Chinese Medicine. In 1998 she looked all over the Tri-State area for Acupuncture schools, and in 1999 she was accepted to Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, and she has never looked back since. She just dove deeper and deeper into the vase ocean of knowledge, health, and healing of Chinese Medicine. She am currently a new mother of a “COVID” baby, and he is 3 years old, and she lives and works in NYC.

Favorite quote by Heather Noonan-Spillane, L.Ac, M.S.:

The deep rich history of Chinese medicine is so complex and beautiful my interest and learning and joy never seems to end.

Share a recent success story you had with a patient. What acupuncture points, herbs, or other interventions (meditation, yoga, nutrition, etc) did you use to help them achieve results?

I have a client who has very bad bone deterioration in the spine and left hip. He has spinal fusion, and doing Acupuncture and Chinese herbs full time he had a really wonderful quick painless recovery. He was walking in 3 days, and was back to his full schedule in week. Now, he does daily Qi Gong exercises. He really is a wonderful integrative medical success story.

Check out her practice site: Hudson River Wellness

Dr. Kunika Bharodia, L.Ac., MAOM, DACM

Kunika Bharodia graduated with a Doctorate of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine from the American College of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine in Houston, Texas. She works at Round Rock Health and Wellness with a focus on fertility and mental health. She believes in a holistic approach to health focusing not only on presenting symptoms, but addressing mental, physical and emotional health of a person simultaneously.

Favorite quote by Dr. Kunika Bharodia, L.Ac, MAOM, DACM:

I am most proud of not giving up. There have been several hurdles I had to overcome since the beginning of acupuncture school upto being able to find a perfect clinic to work at. With the help of my family, I was able to overcome them and learn valuable lessons for life.

What are your favorite acupuncture points, and why?

Yintang, and St36 are my favorite acupuncture points and I use it on almost everyone. I love adding calming points along with their health concerns. Yintang and St36 are perfect for it. St36 is just a little chicken soup point. Beneficial for almost all health concerns.

Check our her practice site: Round Rock Health& Wellness Center

Kristin Apple, L.Ac., MS, MFA

Kristin Apple is a Licensed Acupuncturist in the states of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, certified by the Pennsylvania State Board of Medicine and the New Jersey Board of Medical Examiners. She completed her clinical training and received her Master of Science degree from Tri-State College of Acupuncture in NYC.

Favorite quote by Kristin Apple, L.Ac., MS, MFA:

I’m proud to know that my practice has grown, thrived, and sustained itself on the virtues I value most: courage, integrity, kindness, and humor.

What are specific roadblocks to watch out for as a new acupuncturist?

Boundaries: There are some great classes taught in school on “boundaries.” But there’s no better teacher than that odd real-life situation where your boundaries are tested. As a new practitioner, it is imperative that you find that happy place in management of your own boundaries. This is applicable in the following areas (to name a few): sexuality, finances, family/friends, employees, time-management, life-work balance, burn-out, etc.

Check our her practice site: Applepuncture

Check our her practice Instagram: Applepuncture Instagram

Jillian Rifkind, L.Ac., EAMP

Jillian is an acupuncturist, osteopathic manual therapist, and herbalist, who received her Master’s degree from the The Seattle Institute of East Asian Medicine in 2013. She continued to study manual osteopathic therapies such as visceral manipulation through the Barral Institute. By becoming aware of subtle pulls of the body, the practitioner can find the channels and points that will release blockages and restore flow. Jillian believes that the body has a way of informing us of exactly what it needs, and learns something new with every patient.

Favorite quote by Jillian Rifkind, L.Ac., EAMP:

An important part of keeping an acupuncture practice going is establishing boundaries and being loyal to making the practice about you. If you make your work about you and your passions, the right people will find you.

Tell us more about osteopathic palpation. What health issues see the most benefit from this treatment?

Jean Pierre Barral is the innovator behind visceral manipulation, an osteopathic method of listening for restriction in the body and encouraging gentle awareness of the body’s natural rhythms so that it can return to equilibrium. This extends to work with cranial sacral, vascular, and lymphatic systems and is very helpful for restoring digestive, respiratory, elimination and reproductive function which affects so many aspects of our body. Chronic pain responds very well to this type of work. The organs are so crucial in our health that if there is an imbalance there, it will encroach on the peripheral parts of the body and cause shoulder pain, hip pain, neck and back pain, etc.

Check our her practice site: Joy Point Acupuncture

Elena Grigoryants, L.Ac

Elena Grigoryants is a licensed acupuncturist originally from in Samarkand Uzbekistan. She became a medical student in 1990, and graduated from Ivanovo Medical Academy in 1997. In 1998, she became an Obstetrician Gynecologist, and ran her private practice as an OBGYN for 11 years. In 2008 she immigrated to US with her husband and daughter. In 2012, she started her Master of Chinese Medicine program at Yo San University and graduated in 2016. In 2018 she became a licensed acupuncturist, and opened a her current practice Panacea Acupuncture Center in Studio City. Aside from Panacea Acupuncture Center, she also owns Bercana Med Spa and running this business alongside her acupuncture practice.

Favorite quote by Elena Grigoryants, L.Ac:

My passion, building strong relationships with patients, and collaborating with other healthcare practitioners fosters a supportive network that sustains the practice.

We are always learning and growing, and looking back, the person we were a year ago may be slightly different than the person we are now! In the past year, what is one new thing you learned about yourself as an acupuncture practitioner, and how has this new knowledge improved how you work, your patient care, or overall mental outlook?

Over the past year, I’ve learned to embrace the power of mindfulness in my practice. It was a very difficult year of my life; I have lost my husband. I have gotten a great support from my patients who I have been taking care for past five years. Also I understand that by staying fully present with each patient, I’ve found that I can intuitively tailor treatments and provide even more personalized care.

Check our her practice site: Panacea Acupuncture

Casey Calkins, MSOM, Dipl.O.M., L.Ac

Casey Calkins, L.Ac is a Colorado licensed acupuncturist and NCCAOM diplomat, and graduate from Southwest Acupuncture College (SWAC) in August of 2019 with a Masters of Science in Oriental Medicine. Calkins was awarded the Gentle Tiger Scholarship for demonstrating superior point location skills and understanding the clinical energetics of points. The university and professional internship experiences undertaken by Calkins have contributed largely to his knowledge base on herbal formulas and his treatment approach with patients. Currently, Calkins owns and operates his acupuncture practice, Silver Pines Acupuncture.

Favorite quote by Casey Calkins, MSOM, Dipl.OM, L.Ac:

I know that my passion and excitement for learning new things in an attempt to become a better practitioner is seen and appreciated by my patients. This retains my patients and their excited word of mouth helps my practice grow..

Tell us about some herbal formulas and foods you find yourself consistently recommending to your patients, friends, and colleagues. What makes these herbs/foods so helpful?

I view herbs in the same light as acupuncture points. I use the diagnoses obtained from the pulses during an acupuncture treatment to come up with patient specific formulas. When it comes to the core of formulas, Sp and St are the center of attention with modified versions of formulas such as Si Jun Zi Tang and Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang. When it comes to food I let patients take pictures of relevant pages of the Clinical Handbook of Internal Medicine, 2nd Edition, Maclean et al. Diet is the second most difficult thing to help a patient with. Emotions are number one. Having such a complete guide to diet from the Clinical Handbook of Internal Medicine is extremely helpful to patients as I don’t have to use precious treatment time to explain such a complex subject. The easiest place to start with patients when it comes to diet is intermittent fasting, as the patient only has to change when they eat and not what they eat. Another good suggestion is to look at what your ancestors ate and then eat that.

Check our his practice site: Silver Pines Acupuncture

Alessandra Young, D.Ac, DAEAM

Alessandra was born in Brooklyn, NY and raised in Evanston, IL. She attained her undergraduate degree from the University of Illinois UC. In her 20’s she worked in the Cable Television Industry for USA Network in NYC and as a regional Account Executive for a Cable TV affiliate in Santa Fe, NM. In her 30’s she was both a “Hollywood Housewife” married to the actor Kevin Sussman and an aspiring Songwriter / Musician. In her 40’s she began her journey into Acupuncture at Emperor’s College in Santa Monica, CA where she graduated Cum Laude. She also earned a Doctoral Degree from Pacific College of Health & Sciences. Now, in her 50’s, she has built the career of her dreams and a well-respected private practice in Salt Lake City, UT called Retreatment Wellness. Here she provides holistic health and beauty treatments that are restorative to the body-mind-soul so you feel like you’ve been on a retreat.

Favorite quote by Alessandra Young, D.Ac, DAEAM:

For me, happiness comes from having purpose for the greater good. With each clinical success I feel more and more successful and honored to be a part of this profession.

You have a world of experience in the eastern medicine field, which work or educational experience do you feel impacted you and your practice the most to get you to the point you are today?

My experience as an “Acupuncturist at Sea” helped me to excel as a new Acupuncturist. It was impactful because of how I approached that time and the opportunity. I boarded the ship fresh out of school with my mini-Kim, Maciocia, and CAM books. Every night I reviewed. Everyday I worked the basics and I studied for my California Boards.

As an “Acupuncturist at Sea” I got to experience what had been promised: the great impact of this medicine when a patient uses it in the proper dosage and is treated multiple times per week. On a ship, people have loads of time to invest in self-care – and they do! The effects of Acupuncture daily are phenomenal. And when a person with chronic debilitating migraines is moved to tears (and an enormous cash tip) because you made it possible for her to get out of bed and enjoy the trip… Well, it feels so good you can almost forget about the student loans!

More importantly, I learned how to trust myself as a practitioner because when you’re on a ship at sea there is nobody there to guide you. All you can do is hit the books and learn to trust yourself. The experience gave me great confidence. Confidence is an energy that patients feel and appreciate.

Check our her practice site: Retreatment Wellness

Check our her Instagram page: Retreatment Wellness Instagram

Check our her Facebook page: Retreatment Wellness Facebook

Thank You to all of our Acupuncturists.

Well, that’s a wrap!

We learned so much from our fellow acupuncturists this year, and had a great time learning about their specialties and triumphs as acupuncture providers, and as individuals.

The next year of acupuncturists is sure to bring in providers from all walks of life to give us more takeaways in 2024.

Until then, have a happy and healthy new year from all of us at ACE, and as always, take care of each other.

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