Maryland Acupuncture CEU/PDA Requirements

Maryland Acupuncture Continuing Education Requirements

Maryland Acupuncture Continuing Education CEUs


The State of Maryland accepts NCCAOM PDA or CEU courses to complete continuing education requirements.

*NEW – Implicit Bias Training Requirement – for more information, please visit the board website

(1) A licensee applying for renewal shall complete 30 hours of relevant continuing education during the 2-year period preceding the expiration of the license which include the following:

(a) At least 20 hours in formally organized programs which are relevant to the practice of acupuncture and Oriental medicine and are approved by the Board or sponsored by, but not limited to, the following organizations and their member organizations:

(i) American Academy of Medical Acupuncture;
(ii) American Association of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (AAAOM);
(iii) Council of Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (CCAOM);
(iv) Colleges and universities accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (ACAOM);
(v) National Commission for the Certification of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM);
(vi) Society for Acupuncture Research; or
(vii) The National Acupuncture Detoxification Association;



Other Requirements & Rules

(b) Not more than 10 hours of formally organized training programs in Western science and medical practices, medical ethics, medical research, or cardiopulmonary resuscitation which are relevant to the practice of acupuncture and are sponsored by, but not limited to, organizations listed in §F(1)(a) of this regulation and the following organizations:

(i) World Health Organization (WHO);

(ii) National Institutes of Health (NIH);

(iii) American Medical Association (AMA);

(iv) American Nurses Association (ANA);

(v) American Psychiatric Association (APA);

(vi) Red Cross;

(vii) Local colleges; or

(viii) Local hospitals;

(c) Not more than 10 hours of training in approved programs which will assist a licensee to carry out the licensee’s professional responsibilities, including, but not limited to: Management courses for a school administrator; Foreign language training for translators of relevant texts; Educational methodology for teachers of acupuncture;

(d) Not more than 10 hours teaching acupuncture and related Oriental medical therapies in an accredited school or in a program approved for acupuncture continuing education;

(e) Not more than 7 hours of pro bono work as outlined in §F(3) of this regulation; or

(f) Not more than 7 hours in published writing or articles in acupuncture and Oriental medicine that are:  Peer-reviewed research or peer-reviewed clinically relevant articles in acupuncture and Oriental medicine; and Limited to 4 hours per article.

Pro Bono Work.

(a) Pro bono work shall earn 1 credit hour for each 3 hours of pro bono activity up to a maximum of 7 credit hours per renewal cycle.

(b) Pro bono work shall be for the provision of acupuncture services provided through an organization offering humanitarian services such as, but not limited to: Domestic or international victims in an emergency situation or disaster area; Low income or underserved areas or populations; Special needs populations; or United States military personnel.  Upon completion of the pro bono work, the licensee shall obtain from the facility written documentation of completion of pro bono hours including:  The name of the facility;  The address where the pro bono work was provided;  The type of work that was done;  The number of hours of actual work provided for which the licensee desires credit hours; and a statement guaranteeing that the work provided no financial benefit to licensee.

(3) Licensees shall maintain the documentation of their continuing education credits for 4 years from the date of their acupuncture renewal.

(4) If requested by the Board, a licensee shall provide proof of continuing education attendance by providing documentation of:  Name of the program;  Date of the program;  Number of continuing education hours earned; and Name of the sponsoring organization.

CEU courses at ACE are approved for NCCAOM PDAs. You can find different categories such as: Bio-Medicine, Ethics, Safety, and Practice management courses. Required core NCCAOM PDAs are safety, ethics, and Bio-Medicine. These courses are accepted by the NCCAOM for your diplomate recertification.

The process of getting continuing education credits is simple, convenient, and easy: Download the course, finish the online quiz, and receive a certificate of completion immediately online. You can finish all your continuing education requirements on you desktop, mobile phone, or I-Pad. Reading material are printable. Courses are either in Written format or in a Live webinar. Visit our Acupuncture CEUs page to find out about any other state requirements.

 Our courses are NCCAOM approved For:
Diplomate of Acupuncture (Dipl. Ac.)
Diplomate in Oriental Medicine (Dipl. O.M.)
Diplomate in Chinese Herbology (Dipl. C.H.)

Your license number, name, and date will appear on your certificate automatically.



Updated 10/17/2024

Maryland Acupuncture CEU Package with Implicit Bias Requirement

30 CEUs
Buy 26 CEUs, Get 4 CEUs Free!
You save $39.96!

Total $259.74



Requirement – Implicit Bias Training – 1 CEUs/PDA

“#1 Acupuncture Guide” -Alzheimer’s Disease, Dementia, & Memory Loss – 10 CEUs/PDAs
“#1” Guide on Acupuncture & Inducing Labor – 6 CEUs/PDAs
Discovering How Diet Impacts Human Behavior – 5 CEUs/PDAs
Auricular Acupuncture Insights – 4 CEUs/PDAs
Free – Acupuncture for Dental Pain – 2 CEUs/PDAs
Free – Acupuncture Herbal Safety Basics Part 1 – 2 CEUs/PDAs

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