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Reading Material Per Course
1 Quiz Per Course
1 Certificate Per Course
Courses Included:
4 CPR Tips – CPR for Acupuncturists (4 CEUs FREE)
Satisfies the Stand-Alone CPR Requirement
In this course the acupuncture provider will discover Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and learn the key steps to performing it. Important concepts discussed in this course include tips before starting CPR, how to activate the emergency response system, protection through good Samaritan laws, health conditions associated with CPR, what not to do when performing CPR, when to use an AED, and more. CPR steps will be reviewed for adults, infants, and children.
“#1 Guide” – Mastering Culture & Diversity – 2 Acupuncture CEU/PDA
The purpose of this course is to educate the acupuncture provider on new research, information, and ways to appropriately address and interact with patients of diverse cultural backgrounds. We explore the recent research on cultural competency, patient-centered care, awareness, and how these factors tie into interactions with patients on a daily basis. Additional topics that will be discussed include counteracting prejudice & bias, inclusion, discrimination, oppression, gender equality, and how acupuncturists can become a more culturally aware health care provider.
“#1 Safety Guide” – Viruses – 2 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs
In this acupuncture continuing education course, enhance your knowledge on viruses. The acupuncturist can expect to learn about the viruses we face today as a nation, virus mutation, universal safety precautions for virus prevention, personal protective equipment, infection control and monitoring, the world’s worst pandemics, vaccines, and much more. A critical course for acupuncture providers considering the current times.
A Basic Acupuncture Guide to Insomnia – 15 Acupuncture CEUs
Do you see a lot of patients in your practice seeking treatment for insomnia? For a great price, this course will discuss a variety of research studies done on acupuncture for insomnia, review acupuncture points for treatment, provide a comprehensive over view of the CAUSES of insomnia, and additional tips and techniques will be explained on getting a restful sleep. Education will be provided on the different prescription medications for insomnia and their potential side effects. Some questions we will answer in this course: Are herbs combined with acupuncture more effective in treating insomnia than just herbs alone? Does aromatherapy with use of essential oils work to promote restful sleep? Can beta-blockers cause insomnia? These questions and more will be answered in “A Basic Acupuncture Guide to Insomnia”!
“#1 Acupuncture & TCM Class” – Headaches – 15 Acupuncture CEUs
In this acupuncture continuing education course, we will look at the different types of Headaches and their symptoms, and explore this condition from a TCM perspective. The acupuncturist can expect to develop an understanding of TCM Patterns, Treatment Principles, and Acupuncture Points, as they concern the treatment of headaches. In addition, the acupuncture practitioner will discover herbal formulas that may be helpful for patients seeking treatment for headaches. We will also identify the usefulness of moxibustion, cupping, and auricular acupuncture for headaches, as well as explore dietary and lifestyle recommendations that are healing for this condition.
Caring-for-Stroke: TCM-Western-Med Perspectives – 15 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs
Enhance your understanding on the Western and Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective of strokes. The acupuncture provider can expect to learn about the causes, signs, symptoms, and different types of stroke. A detailed description of acupuncture points and other complementary modalities to prevent and treat the symptoms associated with a stroke are also included. Complimentary modalities include bloodletting, moxibustion, and electrical stimulation. An important course for acupuncture providers who care for and treat patients who have had a stroke.
Human Trafficking Awareness – 1 Acupuncture CEU/PDA
In ‘Human Trafficking Awareness’ the acupuncture provider will be able understand the scope of human trafficking and the negative impact of this practice worldwide. We will review the difference between sex trafficking, labor trafficking, identify vulnerable populations, learn how to report cases of human trafficking, learn about resources available for victims, and much more. A very necessary acupuncture continuing education course for healthcare providers to understand how they can help prevent the spread of human trafficking.
“12 Tips” – Acupuncture for Sports Injuries – 5 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs
In “12 Tips” – Acupuncture for Sports Injuries, the acupuncture provider will develop a deeper understanding on acupuncture treatment methods, research, common pain complaints, and acupuncture channel theory, as they each relate to sports injuries. Treating sports injuries from an orthopedic focus will be discussed, as well as evidenced based approaches to acupuncture for sports injuries. Uncover how the unity of Eastern and Western medical treatments can help yield the best possible outcomes for patient care in this fascinating course.
“#1 Acupuncture & TCM Guide” – Irritable Bowel Syndrome – 5 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs
In this acupuncture continuing education course we will explore the treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) with both acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. First, we will define IBS, presenting signs and symptoms, and treatment from a Western medical perspective. Then, get a glimpse of the demographics, prevalence and epidemiology related to IBS patients. The acupuncturist can expect to learn about pattern differentiation and treatment from a Chinese medical point of view as well as research regarding efficacy. The impact of IBS on the patient quality of life will also be discussed. This course will include appropriate evidence-based treatment practices for maximum understanding and competencies in treatment.