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An online ACE account to access your courses
Reading material for each course
1 Quiz per Course
1 Certificate of Completion per Course
3 Basic Lessons in Nutrition – 3 CE FREE
The purpose of this course is to breakdown the science behind nutrition into 3 specific topics: understanding the breakdown of protein, fat, and carbohydrates, ketogenesis, and intermittent fasting. The goal of this class is to help the student understand the functions and effects of food on the body. This course has a strong correlation with oriental medicine because the food we eat can make us better or worse, and proper nutrition can work to assist any complimentary acupuncture treatments.
“#1 Class” – 40 Most Potent & Magical Herbs – 16 CE
Explore 40 exciting and impactful herbs in this fascinating new course, and extract new knowledge on their powerful healing properties. The acupuncturist can expect to learn about the healing benefits of 40 potent and useful herbs. Key herbs to be discussed include Dong Quai, Echinacea, Wild Quinine, Yerba Mate, Aloe Vera, Goldenseal, and much more.
“3 Acupuncture Tips” – Treating Neck Pain – 10 CE
In this course, dive deeper into your understanding of neck pain, successful treatment with acupuncture, and learn tips to help patients achieve successful treatment outcomes. Key topics include the review of complex structures in the head and neck, identification of trigger points vs taut tender points, home care instructions for patients to maximize treatment outcomes, popular acupuncture points for neck pain, alternative modalities that are helpful in the treatment of neck pain, and more. A crucial course for acupuncture practitioners who see many patients for the common complaint of neck pain.
“3 Safety Lessons” – Anatomy & Acupuncture – 2 CE
This course will focus on specific cases where injuries have occurred due to incorrect acupuncture needling, and we will identify regions of the body that are more at risk for these types of injuries. A review of anatomy, the central nervous system, and peripheral nervous system will be taught in connection with safety lessons based on previous case studies and reported incidents.
“#1 – 8 Lessons” – Analyzing Neuropathy: Western & Eastern Tx – 8 CE
In this acupuncture continuing education course, the acupuncture practitioner will explore both eastern and western treatment approaches for neuropathy. Key topics to be discussed are the pathophysiology, signs and symptoms, autonomic vs sensory neuropathy, management, TCM views on treating neuropathy, TCM treatment principles, and much more. In addition, acupuncture practitioners will be able to learn about specific acupuncture points to treat neuropathy, and explore the current research behind this important topic.
A Basic Guide on Whiplash Injuries – 4 CE
In this course, the acupuncture practitioner will develop their understanding on the complexities of whiplash injuries. Important topics to be considered include the mechanism of injury, epidemiology, pathophysiology, grading and classification of a whiplash injury, complications of whiplash injuries, as well as tests that are used to diagnose and understand the severity of injury. Furthermore, the practitioner will also review the anatomy of the cervical spine. Expand your knowledge on how whiplash injuries impact patients with this informative new course.
“3 Safety Lessons” – Anatomy & Acupuncture – 2 CE
This course will focus on specific cases where injuries have occurred due to incorrect acupuncture needling, and we will identify regions of the body that are more at risk for these types of injuries. A review of anatomy, the central nervous system, and peripheral nervous system will be taught in connection with safety lessons based on previous case studies and reported incidents.
Acupuncture for the Treatment of Anxiety – 1 CE
In this acupuncture continuing education course, discover the benefits of treating anxiety with acupuncture. Dive into the TCM patterns associated with anxiety, acupuncture points to treat these patterns, and learn to identify the tongue and pulse patterns to look for. Lastly, improve your knowledge on herbal formulas for anxiety and uncover additional treatment tips in ‘Acupuncture for the Treatment of Anxiety’.