Acupuncture Practice Management

“Is Acupuncture Covered by Insurance?”

Weighing the pros and cons of taking insurance as an acupuncturist It’s the infamous question you get asked daily isn’t it? “Do you accept insurance?” “Does my plan have acupuncture coverage?” We’ve heard them all. Acupuncture is moving up in the medical world, and patients are desperately trying to find acupuncturists that accept insurance and […]

“Is Acupuncture Covered by Insurance?” Read More »

Facebook Ads for Acupuncturists: Like or Unlike?

Facebook Ads for your Acupuncture Practice: “Like” or “Unlike”? (and Why)

It is uncommon in this day in age for acupuncture practice owners to operate without some kind of social media following and acupuncture marketing tactics. Consumers do not go solely on word of mouth anymore, but also by how big of a following you have or how well known your company is in the world

Facebook Ads for your Acupuncture Practice: “Like” or “Unlike”? (and Why) Read More »

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