Morning sickness, also known medically as nausea gravidarum, is a very common issue amongst women in their earlier stages of pregnancy, and with pregnancy treatment needs to be the least harmful option possible for the baby. Morning sickness affects at least 7 in 10 pregnant women in their first trimester, but it can last longer for some. Many women unfortunately just suffer through it as there aren’t really too many options in western medicine to remedy morning sickness. Additionally, there are many western medicine treatment options that cannot be done or medications that cannot be consumed while pregnant, making the need for a natural treatment like acupuncture imperative for some.
Morning Sickness Basics
Though morning sickness is self-explanatory, it is important as acupuncture providers that we know the basic ins and outs of morning sickness. Contrary to popular belief, morning sickness does not always involve vomiting. It can many times just be severe nausea often brought on by any range of odors or food, which varies depending on the person.
Morning Sickness Symptoms:
- Nausea with or without vomiting
- Fatigue
- Heartburn or reflux
- Seasickness or motion sickness
- Hunger pangs
Morning sickness is often worsened by stress, eating or smelling certain foods, being overtired, warm weather, or motion sickness. When it comes to the causes of morning sickness, the reasons for this are for the most part unknown. It is thought that hormones may be a part of it, or potentially an underlying/existing condition like thyroid or gallbladder disease.
It can also be caused by low blood sugar, blood pressure changes, or changes in metabolism. The sickness will usually begin around week 6 of the first trimester, and is often dissipated by the second trimester. However, there are fewer common cases of women who experience nausea/vomiting throughout the entirety of their pregnancy.
Morning Sickness Risk Factors:
- Nausea/vomiting issues prior to pregnancy
- Nausea/vomiting from other causes prior to pregnancy from things like migraines/headaches or motion sickness.
- Pregnant with multiples
There is also a more intense form of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy known as hyperemesis gravidarum. This type of nausea/vomiting during pregnancy is classified as vomiting more than 3 times a day, being severely dehydrated, or losing 10 pounds or more. This type of pregnancy sickness is more likely in those who are having a girl, has a family history of hyperemesis gravidarum, or has had hyperemesis gravidarum in a previous pregnancy. If this is the case, the patient is usually asked to go to the ER for IV fluids to restore hydration. While the western medicine treatment of morning sickness focuses on symptom control, acupuncture, as with all other conditions, addresses underlying causes.
Acupuncture for Morning Sickness
As acupuncture providers, we know that morning sickness is seen as an imbalance between the Stomach/Spleen and Liver organ systems causing gastrointestinal distress. Not only is acupuncture effective at treating morning sickness, but it is also effective at preventing it as well. It is important that our pregnant patients understand that acupuncture is safe during pregnancy, and can be performed throughout.
Since in TCM the imbalances from pregnancy are not considered pathological developments, it is normal for us to see the patient have increased Liver energy, increased heat, decreased Kidney energy, increased dampness, and an increase in blood. Morning sickness can also be the result of an increase in Stomach Qi or Liver Qi Stagnation.
In TCM, there are 2 types of morning sickness:
- Digestive Organ Deficiency – this patient will present with nausea/vomiting of either undigested foods or liquid right after meals. They may also have a feeling of fullness in the chest, and fatigue. This type is causes by stomach weakness, and the result is that the patient’s stomach is not able to process food the way it is supposed to. Fatigue is a key indicator for this type of morning sickness as this signals that weakness is at the root of the issue.
- Disharmony with the Stomach & Liver – this patient will present with a bloated stomach, aching around the ribs, and regularly sighing or burping. This patient will also be vomiting sour or bitter liquids, and emotionally feel angry.
As far as TCM treatment, depending on the type of morning sickness, they may need either a nourishing tonifying treatment or an unblocking treatment. Regardless of the type, acupuncture gives a great improvement to pregnant woman suffering from morning sickness. However, it is important that the patient knows that regardless of the good feeling post treatment, the nausea will return if they don’t also follow the lifestyle or diet adjustments as well to aid in the treatment.
Acupuncture Works for Morning Sickness By:
- Boosts Relaxation – exhaustion and stress both before and during pregnancy regularly makes nausea during pregnancy even worse.
- Decrease Stress – emotional stress can cause morning sickness to be worse, and acupuncture can regulate the heart rate. Doing this can aid in lowering emotional and physiological stress.
- Decreases Symptoms – with regular acupuncture sessions the regularity and intensity of symptoms will diminish.
- Increase Secretion of Endorphins and ACTH – an increase in endorphins will cause the analgesic effects, and decrease pain and discomfort from morning sickness. ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone) in the pituitary gland which slows down the vomiting center and chemoreceptor trigger zone.
- Regulate Digestive System – stimulating acupuncture points will regulate the digestive system by balancing the hormones. Imbalances can result in an increase in the levels of progesterone slowing digestion which, in turn, causes a growth of excess acid in the patient’s stomach.
- Lower Secretion of Stomach Acid – acupuncture soothes the effects of an increase in hormones during pregnancy which increases stomach acid secretion. Acupuncture can also aid in decreasing the amount of fluid secretion within the small intestine.
As acupuncture providers, one of our goals with morning sickness treatment is to clear stomach heat and pacify the Liver to decrease vomiting. This will also calm the fetus while boosting motility in the stomach. Obviously, treatment will differ from patient to patient, but these goals are a good place to start depending on the presenting symptoms.
Potential TCM Diagnostic Patterns for Morning Sickness:
- Lung Dampness-Phlegm Cold
- Stomach Cold
- Liver and Gallbladder Damp Heat
- Stomach Rebellious Qi
- Spleen Invasion-Cold Damp
Obviously in a clinical setting, these are just some examples of diagnoses, but can result in 1 or many other possible TCM diagnoses. As acupuncture providers, we know that more often than not there will be a combination of patterns within a patient. There are a multitude of potential acupuncture points, but in general a good area of focus for primary points to start with are CV17, CV13, and CV4 with secondary points being PC6 and ST36. Many patients will have varying diagnoses/patterns and points depending on their current condition and condition before pregnancy.
Acupuncture for Morning Sickness Outlook
Morning sickness occurs in 50% of pregnancies, and many women endure it throughout their first trimester or sometimes the entirety of their pregnancy without treatment or ease. This is because in western medicine, although there are some medications that can mask it, it will not always ease nausea/vomiting or not for very long. Also, many pregnant women are hesitant to take additional medications for fear of harming their baby. Acupuncture is a safe and effective option for pregnant patients experiencing morning sickness, and we can also aid in recommending lifestyle choices or herbal remedies that can help as well.
Lifestyle/Diet Recommendations from Acupuncturists to Aid in Morning Sickness:
- Ginger – increasing ginger intake can help relieve nausea/vomiting as it does with the stomach bug, and increase gastric motility and tone helping with digestion. Ginger tea or grated ginger in liquid can help morning sickness greatly.
- Eat often with small meals – eating 5 to 6 small meals throughout the day this will help maintain blood sugar levels. Have the patient keep juice or nuts/fruit with them or by the bed at night.
- Stay hydrated – this is especially important not only because the patient is pregnant, but if the patient has been vomiting a lot. Increase in electrolytes will allow the maintenance of water balance.
- Mild exercise – walking or mild exercise can help ease hormonal activity.
- Avoid stimulants – patient should try to avoid things like coffee, soda, or caffeinated tea as these can make morning sickness symptoms worse.
Morning sickness is a stressful and miserable symptom for many pregnant women, making what is supposed to be a wonderful experience feel awful. Utilizing acupuncture treatment can help them bring balance back to the body, enhance relaxation, and stimulate the hormones responsible for blocking the signals in the brain that trigger nausea and vomiting.
In general, if patients are losing weight due to nausea and vomiting we should always direct them to their doctor, but all in all acupuncture treatment is a helpful modality when women are in their most vulnerable state. This will bring peace and enjoyment to their pregnancy once again.