ACE Acupuncturists of the Month Year in Review 2024

Lessons Learned from Interviewing Top Acupuncturists in 2024: A Year In Review

In 2024, ACE featured an all new set of acupuncturists to be Acupuncturist of the Month, and to share their experiences, expertise, and knowledge of practicing Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine. Sometimes, the best way to grow within a profession is to learn from your fellow colleagues, and hear how they help and achieve results for their patients. This year we interviewed some amazing acupuncturists, each of which was packed full of insight, skill, and accomplishments. As 2024 comes to an end, we are taking a look at the highlights of the 2024 “Acupuncturist of the Month” interviews to set ourselves up for exponential growth in learning from one another as professionals in the year ahead of us.

Dr. Safaryans FABORM, DAOM, LAC Acupuncturist of the Month

Dr. Benita Safaryans, FABORM, DAOM, MATCM, L.Ac

Dr. Benita Safaryans, FABORM, DAOM, MATCM, L.Ac graduated with a doctorate in women’s health and fertility from Yo San University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and completed her doctoral research on the Efficacy of Electro-acupuncture, NSAIDs, and Contraceptives in Treatment of Primary Dysmenorrhea. She is licensed with California Board of Acupuncture, after graduating with a Bachelor of Science in biology from University of California, San Diego; and a Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine from Yo San University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, she founded Peak Life Acupuncture, INC in 2016. Following her education in Raphaology Medicine, Dr. Benita became a certified practitioner where she applies a vast knowledge of nutrition, herbs, body, and food interaction, and how to facilitate self-healing.

Favorite quote by Dr. Benita Safaryans, FABORM, DAOM, MATCM, L.Ac:

“The body cannot be in fight or flight mode and in healing/growth mode at the same time.”

How do you feel that women’s health can be maximized with acupuncture treatment both with fertility and overall?

Through acupuncture treatments, our patients learn about the importance of processing stress and finding ways to be mindful and destress, incorporating whole food nutrition and eliminating processed food from their diets, they learn about their menstrual cycles and how to track ovulations, they notice that their PMS symptoms subside with treatments and herbs, and they no longer experience symptoms such as discomfort, or pain with their periods.

Through lab tests, they notice improvements in their hormone levels such as AMH, FSH levels and improvement in their fertility profile. Overall, they find that space and time to take a break from all the responsibilities, frustrations, and stress of day-to-day living, instead they can relax and get in touch with their inner self.

Check out her practice website: Peak Life Acupuncture

Denisue Cicuto Acupuncturist of the Month April 2024

Denise Cicuto, L.Ac, Dipl.O.M.

Denise Cicuto, L.Ac, Dipl.O.M. helps people live beyond emotional and physical pain. She obtained her Masters of Science and Traditional Chinese Medicine from Yo San University in Los Angeles, and interned with Dr. Daoshing Ni who specializes in fertility. She owns and operates her practice Cicuto Acupuncture as an acupuncturist, herbalist, and alchemist in Ohlone land/San Francisco Bay Area.

Favorite quote by Arno Kroner, DAOM, L.Ac, MTOM, Dipl.O.M.:

“Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine are really customized to each individual. No two acupuncture treatments are the same. I love that the most about our medicine.”

On your journey to become an acupuncturist, what obstacles did you face and how did you overcome them?

The first thing was realizing that Chinese Medicine requires a different way of thinking about healing. It took the first year of acupuncture school to really understand that. I’m sure other acupuncturists can relate to that! When I started my private practice, the challenge was to explain what I learned in school so that people could understand it without having gone to acupuncture school.

Learning how to do an ‘elevator pitch’ was useful and having to do it in a business networking meeting every week with professionals in different fields has really helped. I’ve been in BNI (Business Networking International) the whole time I’ve been in practice mostly for that experience. It makes me explain Chinese Medicine to people in a way that lay people can understand it.

Check out her AcuCare Kits: AcuCare Kits

Jaydee Robles, DACM, L.Ac

Dr. Jaydee Robles DACM, L.Ac

Dr. Jaydee Robles DACM, L.Ac, better known as “Dr. Jay” to his friends and patients, is a holistic doctor who is passionate about helping others achieve their best health and wellness. He obtained both a Master’s degree in Oriental Medicine and a Doctorate in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, and during this time he had the opportunity to give back to the academic community as a certified tutor, helping graduate students in the Health Science Disciplines. He is also an active member of The Florida State Oriental Medicine Association and the Maryland Acupuncture Society dedicated to promoting and advocating for holistic medicine in his community.

Favorite quote by Dr. Jaydee Robles DACM, L.Ac:

I have always been a promoter of integrative medicine, and knowing that some of the nation’s top educational bodies, such as Harvard, are conducting research, dispersing it, and recommending it as a first-line treatment is just the beginning.

Looking back, what advice would you have given to the younger version of yourself, who was just getting started in this profession?

I would probably tell myself to find someone who wants to invest in you and a mentor who can teach you the ropes. I was fortunate to have great and not-so-great bosses who taught me to become the acupuncturist I wanted to be. Everyone can be your teacher, even when they are teaching you ways you don’t want to be. I would also suggest finding a business mentor. My business mentor was invaluable in helping me become an entrepreneur and learn the intricacies of the business world.

Check out the all of Dr. Robles links:

Jose Loa Pena ACE Acupuncturist of the Month crop

Dr. Jose Pena MAOM, DACM, L.Ac

Dr. Jose Pena MAOM, DACM, L.Ac, originally hails from Monterrey, Mexico, and grew up in a family of doctors fostering his draw to healing. Dr. Pena graduated from the American College of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine with a Doctorate of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine and Master of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. He is very involved in his community and a strong advocate for holistic medicine being a member of the Florida State Oriental Medicine Association as well as the Maryland Acupuncture society.

Favorite quote by Dr. Jose Pena MAOM, DACM, L.Ac:

Day after day, every time I hear how TCM has been able to benefit the patient to be happier and healthier constantly inspires me about acupuncture.

What keeps an acupuncture practice going?

Genuine care for the patient in helping them achieve their health. Also educating the patient the difference between illness management and health management so they can lead a healthy lifestyle.

Check out his practice site: Round Rock Health & Wellness

David Kitts, L.Ac, Dipl.O.M. ACE Acupuncturist of the Month

David Kitts, L.Ac., Dipl.O.M.

David Kitts, L.Ac, Dipl.O.M. was born in Denver Colorado in April 1958, and immediately went to live for the first three years of his life in an American airbase in occupied Germany. He utilizes Japanese style acupuncture that uses palpation to accurately determine how to restore the flow of “Qi’ through the systems and organs of the human physical body.

Favorite quote by David Kitts, L.Ac., Dipl.O.M.:

There’s no end to learning about the interactions of energy and form through the brilliant systems of Taoist Cosmology and Chinese medicine. There’s an endless well of wisdom to delve into that I can use to better understand myself, other people and the world.

You have a world of experience in the eastern medicine field. Which work or educational experience do you feel impacted you and your practice the most to get you to the point you are today?

By far and away it is the astounding body of work by Kiiko Matsomoto.

I’m also extremely grateful for the inspired work of Desda Zuckerman and her epic text book: “Your Sacred Anatomy”.

The I Jing is the well of wisdom that underlies all my work and my understanding of the game of life. It is the direct reflection of the genetic code that assembles, recreates and evolves our physical bodies. Every 6.5 days, the sun powerfully activates one of these codes in a fixed pattern around the calendar year.

The fears these archetypal codes evoke, the gifts we get from facing those fears and the superpowers they contain that are causing the gifts to flower, push us all through the great cosmic evolutionary program. I’m deeply grateful to Ra Uru Hu and Richard Rudd for their modern synthesis of this ancient wisdom which reveals the depth of complexity and true uniqueness of every individual.

Check our his practice site:

Tsao-Lin E. Moy, L.Ac., MSOM, LMT, C. SMA

Tsao-Lin Moy, L.Ac, MSOM, LMT, C,SMA, has over 20 years of experience as an expert in alternative and Chinese medicine. In her practice of which she is the founder, Integrative Healing Arts in New York, NY, she brings into service Chinese medicine, acupuncture, herbal medicine and energy healing.

Favorite quote by Tsao-Lin E. Moy, L.Ac., MSOM, LMT, C. SMA:

What keeps an acupuncture practice going is curiosity about the wisdom of the ancients, and how they knew so much about the human body and nature. There is more to learn. Helping people tap into their natural healing, and witnessing how powerful and ancient the knowledge of acupuncture and Chinese medicine is.

You have a world of experience in fertility! Which work or educational experience sparked your desire to focus on fertility?

I was pregnant as a student in TSCA, and having a baby after 35 years myself. I was acutely aware of the bias towards women with regard to age and reproduction, and much of it is not really true. 

At least 90% of my patients are female, and it was the women that first came to me seeking assistance with their menstrual cycles and fertility that directed my practice. There was a need for these women to be supported with their health and on their fertility journey, and helping them with their calling to bring a life into the world by becoming a mother. 

I empower my patients to reclaim their health by showing them natural and better ways to balance and heal so they can make informed decisions about their health. There is a lot of wisdom in Chinese medicine and understanding women’s health. 

Western medicine is still taught and practiced on old models of gender and cultural bias, dismissing women’s symptoms and concerns because it lacks clinical data. Until 1993 most clinical trials did not include women, which is pretty egregious. In this day and age, women need alternatives to the usual narrative of hormonal birth control, anti-depressants, fertility medication and then hormone replacement therapy. 

Check our her practice site:

Thank You to all of our Acupuncturists.

Well, that’s a wrap!

We learned so much from our fellow acupuncturists this year, and had a great time learning about their specialties and triumphs as acupuncture providers, and as individuals.

The next year of acupuncturists is sure to bring in providers from all walks of life to give us more takeaways in 2025.

Until then, have a happy and healthy new year from all of us at ACE, and as always, take care of each other.

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