Success with Acupuncture for Inducing Labor blog

Success with Acupuncture for Inducing Labor

            Acupuncture as a way to induce labor is becoming increasingly popular amongst pregnant women not only because it works, but because it is a safer option for them and their baby. Although the rate of failed induction may seem somewhat small at 24.4%, it has still risen a great deal in the last couple of decades and comes with potentially dangerous risks.

Acupuncture is an all-natural and effective way to induce labor without the multitude of possible risks involved, and many mothers, especially first-time mothers, want that option. There is more research being done on acupuncture than ever before, and inducing labor is no exception. Ultimately, we want the safety of both the mother and the baby, and with acupuncture this is possible.

Understanding Inducing Labor in Western Medicine

            In a nutshell, inducing labor is preparing the uterus to contract on its own before labor begins due either to a concern for the mother or the baby. A doctor will suggest labor induction only after looking at multiple factors including gestational age, size and position of the uterus, the mother’s overall health, the baby’s health, and weight estimate of the baby.

Reasons for Doctors to Induce Labor:

  • High blood pressure

  • Infection in the uterus

  • Diabetes or gestational diabetes

  • Medical conditions such as heart disease, obesity, or kidney disease

  • Labor hasn’t begun on its own 1-2 weeks after the patient’s due date

  • Fetal growth restriction

  • Placental abruption

  • Insufficient amniotic fluid around the baby

  • Labor which doesn’t begin after the water breaks

It is also possible for the patient to ask for labor induction, also known as elective induction, and this is most common for those that may be for from the hospital or those who have a history of quick deliveries. However, labor induction is not the best option for everyone, not only because of a person’s choice for a more natural approach, but also for safety as there are risks that are associated with inducing labor. These risks are more than just not having success at inducing.

Inducing Labor Risks:

  • Unsuccessful induction – if methods to induce fail, then a C-section may be needed if a vaginal delivery doesn’t result after 24 hours or more.

  • Infection – certain methods of inducing labor can increase the risk of infection to the mother and the baby.

  • Fetal heart rate low – conventional methods (such as Pitocin) for inducing labor can potentially cause too many contractions which can decrease the baby’s oxygen and change the baby’s heart rate.

  • Bleeding post-delivery – increased risk of the muscles in the uterus to not contract the way that they should post delivery. This can lead to potentially severe bleeding after the baby is born putting risk on the mother.

  • Rupture of the uterus – although rare, it is a potential significant complication where the uterus tears at a previous C-section site. If this happens, an emergency C-section will be needed, and a hysterectomy may be needed.

There can be any number of reasons as to why a woman may need to be induced, but the fact is that conventional ways to induce aren’t for everyone. It could be a specific issue the patient is having or simply that they want to induce in the most natural way possible. Acupuncture for inducing labor is a viable, safe, and effective option for those who should need or want this way of bringing their baby into the world.

Acupuncture for Inducing Labor

            For those patients who are seeking a natural way to induce labor, acupuncture along with some lifestyle recommendations can be their answer. Truth be told, their OBGYN will let them know of some of these methods of getting the baby out, utilizing these natural methods in conjunction with acupuncture can potentially yield better results without the need for medicated induction. The patient who comes in for inducing labor is most likely looking for any way to promote natural, comfortable labor. They can utilize the following lifestyle methods along with acupuncture treatment at 38 weeks, but their OB should always be consulted regarding this as well.

Natural Methods for Inducing Labor:

  • Sex – if it is not a high-risk pregnancy/approved by their OB, sex can be a great way to stimulate labor. Prostaglandins contained within semen, can help the cervix to soften and prepare it for labor.

  • Exercise – these aren’t HIIT workouts, they need to be gentle such as walking or bouncing on a birthing ball to help move the baby into the right position for birth.

  • Nipple stimulation – as strange as it may sound to some patients, but nipple stimulation can release oxytocin which is the hormone responsible for causing contractions. However, since it is so stimulating, this can possibly cause contractions that are too strong so do this with caution.

  • Spicy food – if this is something that the mother can tolerate, then spicy food is also an option as it can irritate the digestive system. This can trigger contractions indirectly, but be aware that it can also cause heartburn in some patients.

The most important thing as their acupuncture provider is to make them feel comfortable and relaxed in the fact that it is okay that they aren’t going into natural labor, and this is normal for some. Our goal is to have a safe and efficient labor. It is also vital that they understand that acupuncture for inducing labor is not forcing the baby to come, but to create the proper environment for them to come prepping the body for childbirth.

Acupuncture Works for Inducing Labor By:

  • Softens, ripens, and dilates the cervix

  • Relaxes the body and relieves stress

  • Stimulates the uterus to produce effective contractions

  • Decreases post-partum hemorrhage

  • Turns breech babies

  • Releases endorphins to help with labor pain

  • Eases and opens the pelvis

  • Alleviates cervical lip

  • Shortens labor

  • Stimulating the production of hormones needed to trigger contractions stimulating specific points on the body.

Acupuncture treatment should be encouraged to be utilized throughout pregnancy in order to not only help the woman’s body adapt to the changes of pregnancy, but to promote optimal conditions to give birth naturally if the mother should choose that. It is also extremely important that the mother understands that there is a profound difference of acupuncture during pregnancy, and acupuncture to induce or prepare for birth.

Types of Acupuncture for Inducing Labor:

  • Turning a breech baby

  • Labor prep

  • Anxiety and pain management before, during, and after pregnancy

  • Post-term pregnancy

  • Before scheduled medical induction in the hopes of inducing naturally instead

Common Acupuncture Points for Inducing Labor:

  • SP6 – widely thought of as essential for inducing labor

  • BL67 – associated with contractions in the uterus

  • BL32 – utilized for both labor induction and turning a breech baby

Beneficial TCM Herb for Inducing Labor:

  • Chuan Xiong – invigorates the blood, and promote movement of Qi; expels wing and alleviates pain exhibiting acrid and warm properties. It can potentially be used with a tailored formula to influence labor induction in most cases.

Acupuncture for labor induction is a great and effective alternate method of inducing labor naturally in the late stages of pregnancy. In fact, in a recent study from 2024, acupuncture was shown to reduce the need for inducing labor with medical intervention. Above all we should make our patients feel comfortable, and help them to understand the specific differences in treatment from pregnancy to labor prep.

Acupuncture for inducing labor has become more of a mainstream option for many women as modern women are looking for more natural ways to deliver especially with the risks associated with medically induced labor. Acupuncture is a tried and true method that more parents should experience, talk about, and utilize.

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