20 Things to Know About Breast Cancer, 20 Acupuncture CEUs/PDAs
How does it work? Save time & finish your Acupuncture CEUs between patients, at home, or on the go. Read the material – Take the quiz.
Your course purchase includes: An online ACE account to access your courses Reading material 1 Quiz 1 Certificate of Completion
This course dives into many key topics involving breast cancer. The provider can expect to learn about how breast cancer begins, how it spreads, health screening, possible risk factors, environmental risk factors, genetic risk factors, male vs. female breast cancer, drugs to reduce the risk, possible treatment options, side effects of these options and much more.
NCCAOM Board Approved (AOM-BIO) FL Board Approved (Biomedical) California Acupuncture Board Approved CEUs, Cat I – CEP#1304 – California Board Approved 7/9/2021 through 6/9/2025 – CA licensees must complete this course before 6/9/2025 to receive CEU credit. TX Approved CAE (Biomedicine)
CTCMPAO PDAs – Registered Acupuncturists can select their own Professional Development Activites (PDAs)
CTCMA Acupuncture CE – Registered Acupuncturists can self-select their acupuncture CE hours.
The College of Acupuncturists of Alberta – Registered Acupuncturists can self-select Continuing Competency Program activities (CCPs).
Australia CMBA Continuing Professional Development (CPD) United Kingdom BAcC Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Acupuncturists can self-select CPD