Acupuncture CEU Savings, 20 CEUs/PDAs | Acupuncture for Alzheimer’s | Acupuncture for Neck Pain
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Reading material per Course. 1 Quiz per Course. 1 Certificate of Completion per Course.
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Limited Time Offer! Special Acupuncture CEU Package Savings. You receive20 CEUs/PDAs for only $8.99 per CEU/PDA.
Get an in-depth insight of Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. In this exciting new course, we uncover and study the common TCM diagnoses for Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia, and review how these diseases are commonly viewed and treated in Western Medicine. Additionally, acupuncturists can expect to grow their knowledge on the TCM Acupuncture points, Patterns, and Herbal Treatments for Alzheimer’s and Dementia, memory loss, and discover foods that may help. Learn what studies have been done on how TCM treats these diseases as well as additional lifestyle changes to slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and memory loss.
In this course, dive deeper into your understanding of neck pain, successful treatment with acupuncture, and learn tips to help patients achieve successful treatment outcomes. Key topics include the review of complex structures in the head and neck, identification of trigger points vs taut tender points, home care instructions for patients to maximize treatment outcomes, popular acupuncture points for neck pain, alternative modalities that are helpful in the treatment of neck pain, and more. A crucial course for acupuncture practitioners who see many patients for the common complaint of neck pain.